... and they do it yet again.

Mar 17, 2008 13:23

Oh, my gods... That is IT.

WHY, oh WHY is LJ being such an ass? They should never EVER have sold to 6A and they should never have told to SUP and yanno what? My journal expires soon, I'm not buying it again. In fact, I'm looking into finding a new home, or else just stop journaling altogether. This is getting ridiculous. It's almost bad enough to force me to go to MySpace and get all emo and write poetry about how cruel LJ is and so on and so forth.

Gah... They get rid of free accounts WITHOUT consulting their Advisory Committee guys, meaning all their talk about wanting to listen to us "little people" is probably a whole lot of BS. They've apparently cencored words such as YAOI and BISEXUALITY and FANFICTION... of all things.

Come ON LJ, don't you ever learn? You'd think they would. However, stupidity is a terminal illness and SUP seems to have a chronic case of it.

stupid people, messing up, lj

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