Apr 18, 2005 01:34
Saw The Amityville Horror tonight. Considering that it's based on a true story, it's pretty damn scary. Had it not been based on truth, it probably would have been considered crappy and unoriginal. I can't help but watch those movies and think that really happened to someone. For that reason, I couldn't sit through all of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The scene where Jessica Biel was running through the field with the guy chasing her with a chainsaw was too much for me. It's the only time I ever walked out of a movie (aside from that one time me and Brandon left so we could go make out) and considering that it was my first date with, to this day, the hottest guy I've ever dated, that says something. That haunted me.
I saw it with Pedro. I was being stupid. I go out with him, get annoyed, stop seeing him, forget why I stopped seeing him, and then go out with him again. This is like the third time I've done this. I think it's cause he's hot. Hard to say no to a persistant hot guy, though not so hard when I feel like he's about to swallow my head. GD, he's a bad kisser. He practically pounced on me when we got into the car. He was a bit over excited. I told him that as I pushed him off me. I used to really like him, can't see why now... He's really nice and all, we just don't mesh well.