May 30, 2005 16:12
So today it has been raining officially since school let out. This fucking sucks. I hate the rain and clouds and the fact that i am wearing a hoody and long pants at the end of may. You can see your breath. Mother fucker God.. You wonder why it is us humans hate you!! !LOL.. It's because you pull shit like this all the time. Anyways... This whole being stoned thing is starting to fuck with my lungs, but weed is the only way that I won't kill anybody.I think that everyone should smoke weed becasue then I would hope that there would be less drama over stupid shit:) Weed is good.. I love it.. YOu love it.. The whole fucking world should, in fact, love it. So I can't remember Melissa, is your job interview today, monday, or tomorrow, Tuesday? Or is it neither.. Lol.. You tell me these things and its like I don't listen. I do I promise. ANyways I am working tonight.. YOu should call my cell... LOve to you