Jul 05, 2017 16:18
Okay this will be part one of at least two parts of recent McExorist Bob Larson garbage.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Exorcism Arising!
Monday, July 3, 2017
During the recent School of Exorcism convention, Bob presents the first
Certificate of Completion for the Russian-language School to Dmitry Dimov.
We just completed our first-ever convention of the International School of Exorcism® (ISE). Scores gathered in Lakeland, Florida for, what was billed as, the largest gathering of trained exorcists in the history of the church. Pictured on the masthead above is a portion of those attending the First Annual International School of Exorcism Convention. They came from across America, as well as Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, and other countries. Their mission was to network, fellowship, worship, and learn. Two intensive days of teaching from our new Advanced Academy of Deliverance® highlighted the official sessions. Testimonies abounded of changed lives, those previously bound by Satan, who have now been delivered and have completed all 30 ISE Courses. They celebrated their training and certification as professionally-trained exorcists. The final session featured praise and worship, followed by an impartation ceremony. Bob, Laura, and the leadership of ISE prayed for special enduement of the Holy Spirit upon those present.
This is just the beginning! In less than three years, the School of Exorcism has trained 600+ students from more than 30 countries. The School has provided them a historical and biblical basis for exorcism, as well as an understanding of the psychological and practical aspects of casting out demons. No such body of information, in such depth, has ever been compiled in all church history; a sad commentary, but a hopeful one, as well. Our mission is to raise up an army of spiritual warriors, theologically, historically, and psychologically grounded; to equip them with knowledge and practical experience, to fulfill the command of Christ to cast out demons in HIS name.
Exorcism is arising. The future is exciting. The possibilities for the Lord are unlimited. Be part of this historic movement by enrolling today, and be at the Second International Convention next year!
Typos and misspellings left as is. Basically this one is a " praise me" type of bragging. Lotta ego in this one. No mention of how many dropped out of his "school". He bragged last month that his school was the first of its kind, yada yada.
Bob Larson @blarsonexorcist Jul 2
Youtube ( as I type this)
59 up 8 down
Published on Jul 2, 2017
Brigette’s mother was a Catholic in public; but behind-the-scenes, she ritually tortured her daughter for the devil. Bob has Brigette forgive her mother and then calls up the soul-part of the mother. The demonic rights of Lucifer and Jezebel are canceled so Brigette can be free!
This is a YT vid he advertised via his Twitter. He actually is trying to revive the SRA bullshit. What's interesting is not that he's exploiting the SRA myth yet again but what he says in the description. " .. calls up the soul-part of the mother." Anyone wanna guess what the problem is with that?
Its simple. According to evangelical Christian doctrine, the dead cannot communicate with the living. This bullshit of "calling up he soul part" of her dead mother is nothing less than spiritualism. This is not by any means the only instance of Larson breaking away from Christian teachings to do his own unbiblical and heretical teachings and claims. Some months ago he claimed demons tell him the truth and are to be trusted with the information they give him. Yup he said that. Demons, teh creatures that supposedly lie at every opportunity, tell Larson the truth.
Monday, June 19, 2017
The painting above appears in the Cathedral of Antwerp, Belgium. Construction on this magnificent cathedral started in 1352. I took the photo with my iPhone during our recent Exorcism Invasion of Europe. If you’re looking at this on a smartphone you might not catch the details of the Archangel Michael casting out Satan’s demons from Heaven. On the right is a closeup of the lower, left corner of the painting, showing the hideous faces of two demons. The entire painting is at least six feet tall.
As I quietly and reverently walked through this ancient edifice, I was struck by this painting, on display in a building which is essentially a museum, certainly not a place overcrowded with worshippers. There, in the middle of this venerable church, was an artistic rendering of what I deal with almost every day of my life. Archangel Michael was depicted vanquishing the powers of darkness. There could be no mistake that this artist from nearly 500 years ago took demons as seriously as I do. This oil was no psychological construct of inner angst. Frans Floris took his theme quite literally, as I’m sure the priests and parishioners of his day did.
I’ve been to Europe many times and always find it remarkable that the continent is filled with such majestic houses of worship, mostly relics of the past, amazing to behold but with little practical spiritual relevance. As this painting illustrates, Europe was once alive with faith and Christian influence. Today, few attend churches. As I stood just outside this holy place, two Satanists walked by, dressed in black head to foot, and sporting T-shirts with pentagrams.
How could this happen to a continent so rife with religion centuries ago? It didn’t take place overnight. Slowly people prospered and lost their “first love” (Rev. 2:4). Clergy became more focused on power and recognition Religion became a means to an end, not the end of all man’s searching. Don’t think it can’t happen in America. It already has, to a tragic extent. We’re just a few decades behind Europe. Yet, if we read this roadmap for the signs of spiritual apostasy and lukewarm theology, we may avoid Europe’s moral decline. One way to do that is to recognize the enemy, as did Frans Floris, and join Michael in the eternal battle against the demons of Hell!
An encouraging word: BLESSED AND COVERED.
Psalm 32:1 reminds us that the man whose sins are forgiven is “blessed.” The verse goes on to say such a blessed person also has his sins “covered.” Remember how Adam and Eve covered their nakedness once God confronted them for their sin? They instinctively knew they could not talk to God without being covered. For them, there was no Cross, no Blood, no Atonement. Their evil was exposed, and they grabbed fig leaves as a way of covering shame before God. For Christians this side of the Cross, there is no need for humiliation or fig leaves when approaching God. We who are saved, have the righteousness of Christ as our covering (Philippians 3:9). Remember that if the devil tries to torment you with condemnation.
This is from his " blog" and it basically shows his exploitation focus. I really can't say much about this but find it interesting that in his visit to a church his only " spiritual" result was about " demons" rather than about Jesus Christ.
If I remember correctly there is a verse in the Bible where it warns about whispering voices n ears teaching unbiblical stuff and teaching about " doctrines of demons". Seems to me Larson and his ilk are all about " doctrines of demons". I would even go so far as to call what Larson does Satanic Christianity.
C. S. Lewis once wrote that the devil likes tow things-- that there is no belief in him and that there is too much a belief in him. I'll honestly say that those who are in Larson's cult and in " deliverance ministry" have too much a belief in the devil. They give power to the devil far more than their god or savoir.
Monday, June 5, 2017
They must be exorcised!
Every other week, our YouTube Exorcism Channel features an interesting question that focuses on some truth about spiritual warfare. We receive so many hundreds of questions that it’s impossible to answer all of them. Some are uniquely important. They need an immediate response. Such is the question posed by a man named Evans who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. Evan asks, “Is it possible for a Christian who has demons to live a biblically consistent life until the demons become weak and possibly leave by themselves? Do the demons eventually find the environment uninhabitable?
No! Demons never leave of their own accord. No matter how close to the Lord an individual gets, or how uncomfortable an indwelling demon may be because of the host’s faith, that evil spirit isn’t going until he is told to go. If the host of an indwelling demon is to be completely free from evil intrusion, an exorcism is inevitable. One an evil spirit has invaded a human, it is the nature of that fallen angel to fight to occupy the territory that they claim. When confronted and made to manifest, demons say things such as, “This is my home”; “He/she wants me”; “I’ve been here too long to leave”; “I can’t give up my assignment.” Most fight tenaciously. Even weakened demons don’t voluntarily leave. The nearest I have come to a demon being cooperative is when the invading spirit says, “I don’t like it here anymore. He/she prays too much.” But even then, they must be commanded to leave.
When Jesus confronted the spirits Legion, he told them, “Come out of him” (Matthew 5:8). These evil spirits knew who Jesus was and didn’t want to suffer at His hands. In the previous verse 5:7, they begged not to be tormented. They knew that Christ was coming to the country of the Gadarenes, but they did not pre-emptively skedaddle. They knew they would suffer at the hands of Christ, the Son of God, but still stood their ground, to the point of begging not to go (Matthew 5:10). If demons didn’t leave because Jesus was about to confront them, your demons aren’t going because you fast and pray. Such spiritual preparation is important to get ready for your deliverance, but you’re still going to need an exorcism. Soaking prayer won’t do it. Healing therapy won’t suffice. Demons only obey the command of Christ to leave. To have complete freedom exorcism can’t be avoided. It’s inevitable.
An encouraging word: PRESUMPTUOUS SINS
What opens the door to addiction in a Christian’s life? Psalm 19:13 says, “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me.” Presumptuous sins are those that you know are wrong before you do them. Have you ever thought, “I know this is wrong, but I can do it and later repent?” This is yielding your will to the enemy. If you continue, this sin will gain “dominion” over you, meaning it will get to the point that you (outside of God’s intervention) will be unable to resist it. This is how every addiction takes root! Stop addiction in its track. Repent (turn around) BEFORE you sin!
Interesting that his buddy Sean Sellers supposedly " exorcised" his " demon" while in prison without any exorcist helping him. Or so Sellers claimed.
Basically what this is is Larson once again selling his exploitation, claiming if you have demons you can't get rid of them yourself that you need his help.
IOW his usual bullshit.