Bob Larson on Canon, disses President Obama

Jan 24, 2017 23:51

Here are two more Bob Larson entries for today.
Monday, January 16, 2017
A friend of my who knows my love of esoterica sent me an interesting article entitled, "Canon was originally named after Kwanon the Buddhist goddess of mercy." That got my attention, and I checked it out further. Sure enough, when the Canon camera company started in 1934, its logo included the goddess Kwanon with 1,000 arms and flames. Eventually the company's name morphed from Kwanon to Canon. So, if they originally named their camera after a demon-god (by biblical definition), could that $5,000 EOS-1D X DSLR that shoots both stills and 1080p video be infested by evil spirits? Likely not. It's just a camera that once had a bad name.
After all, the days of the week are called Sunday after the sun god, Monday after the moon god, Thursday after the Teutonic god Thor, and Saturday after the Roman god Saturn. Is every day of the week also evil? If we got carried away into full-blown, witch-hunting paranoia we would never get out of bed any day of the week. Nor would we recognize January (named after Janus a Roman god) or March (another Roman god Mars) and so on. The reality is that evil surrounds us everywhere. The devil is, after all, the "god of this world," this present age (2 Cor. 4:4). His stamp of ownership is all around us. It's inescapable. To absolutely avoid every demonic reference in culture would impossible, and a full-time job of spiritual sleuthing. So, what is a Christian to do? We should go about the Father's business knowing the prevailing truth that "the earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness"( 1 Cor. 10:26).
Would I buy a Canon camera? Yes, if the price and the usage were right. Would I go to a Harry Potter movie for entertainment? No. You gotta draw the line somewhere, but not everywhere. After all, that next slurpee you drink at a 7-Eleven might have been sold to you by a Satan-worshipping clerk. Who knows. My advice is don't go chasing after the demons you wonder about. Take our (( link deleted by me))  enroll in our International School of Exorcism to find out how demons really operate; schedule a Personal Spiritual Encounter to discover if your problems are real demons. Before you worry about the demons in your camera, get rid of the ones inside your own soul!

An encouraging word: DANCE TODAY.
If today is a difficult day, think of King David's words in Psalm 30:11: "You have turned my mourning into dancing." David had certainly known mourning. The numerous attempts of King Saul to kill him. The shame of his sin with Bathsheba. The loss of his illegitimate child, and the insurrection of his own sons. But he put that behind him to dance. If he could do it you can too. Imagine of life of "dancing" through your job each day; dancing through the stresses at home; dancing at church to praise the Lord. No matter what you face today it's a good day to dance.
I copied and pasted this because while in some aspects what he is saying is factual regarding the origin of the Canon company, as usual for him it's not fair and he twists it to include his beloved demons. And OC selling his “school”, demon test etc.
Below is one of his Constant Contact self promotional BS ads. I include this one here, left unedited to show both that he's claiming a guy with a master's degree in counseling attended his “school” and that whomever inputed this text left a few errors in it.
Our International School of Exorcism® is the only educational institution of its kind. It's all online, at your own pace, and in the palm of your hand with your smartphone, 24/7.
The School consists of 30 Courses , each with a professionally produced training video and a study guide you can print. After studying each Course, a proficiency test is required to show knowledge of the material. At the end of all 30 Courses, a Certificate is awarded. Each student is then eligible to join me in Personal Encounter sessions , to observ e firsthand.
Arthur Murray, pictured above with his Certificate, did that recently. He joined me in ministry to those in spiritual bondage. For many students, that is the best part of t he School.
Arthur expressed his thoughts this way. " I have a master's degree in counseling," he said, "but I needed to know much more. I was sincere in helping people, but I wasn't able to effectively help those who really needed help. I now understand that some people had demons."
Who enrolls in the school of exorcism? Professionals like Arthur. Pastors, prayer leaders, doctors, therapists, those studying for the ministry, and ordinary lay people from all walks of life. Some are seeking answers for themselves or someone they love. Other are involved in prayer groups . Some want k nowledge to be prepared for whatever comes their way.
Whatever your reason, don't put off enrolling TODAY. We' ve held down the enrollment f ee for several years, but an increase is on the way. Current enrollment fees don't cover our expenses for server and software maintenance, admi nistration, etc.
For just $16 a day you can get the most complete information on the planet about spiritual warfare, angels, emotional and physical healing, demonic hierarchies, and bibl ical theology about the devil , along with practical advice on binding and expelling demons.
Please, act now before our costs are increased. If you don't want to enroll, pray about sponsoring someone who wants to take the C ourses but doesn't presently have the funds.
And remember, it's your tithes and offerings that keep our vision alive.
 Rather disturbing that someone who might  have a job counseling people was dumb enough to go through Larson's “school”. It emphasizes the idea that before you go to any doctor or therapist, before you give them a dime, make sure they don't have crappy “ certificates” like Larsonm's “school of exorcism”.
And now one more Larson attack on President Obama.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Barack is gone, and the Donald has taken over. The Obama Presidency is history. Enough has been said about all of that, but I must draw attention to a few important words that President Obama said in his parting address to the press. He started out well, saying, "I believe in the American people." But from there it was downhill. "I think there's evil in the world." YA THINK? Perhaps a slip of the tongue Maybe he meant to say "I know." But what came next was more troubling: "If we work hard, and if we're true to those things in us that feel true and right . . . the world gets a little better each time."
I don't want to pick on a man who's just out of a job and quibble over words, but President Obama has been one of the most articulate Presidents in history and generally has chosen his words carefully. Here's the problem with what he said. He seems to believe that life will be better when we do things that FEEL true and right. Feel? Truth and rightness are not about feelings, except in the Obama world, and in the world of fuzzy-thinking people. Truth and rightness are not about what we feel, but about moral absolutes, transcendently given by a Creator God. Truth is given by God through his Word, not determined by emotions of the moment. This kind of touchy-feely thinking is what has gotten this country in such a moral mess.
If you "feel" it's true that a loving God won't send sinners to an eternal Hell, then there is no Hell. If you "feel" it's right to have sex outside of marriage, then adultery must be OK, by this logic. The deception is that you can feel your way into justifying almost any moral conundrum. Maybe Obama "felt" his way toward throwing Israel under the bus, as he did recently at the U. N. But let's not be too hard on Obama. His moral compass has been way off for a long time, so what he said isn't shocking. Some Christians are equally guilty when they "feel led of the Lord" to do things that are unbiblical and even bizarre. Obama is the way we were (with no apologies to Barbara Streisand). Let's pray for better things about the way we will be, with absolute truth and time-honored moral values on the way to a comeback. And let it start with each of us.
Prophetic perspective is a theological term that can refer to a scripture having both a present and a future significance, such as Psalm 22:9. Consider these words; "You are he who took Me out of the womb, You made Me trust while on My mother's breasts." David speaks not only of himself, but also of Christ. This is the Incarnation, God becoming flesh, being declared more than a thousand years before the Nativity. It was the Father who brought forth the Son, and taught Him how to trust. This, among many Bible passages, proves you can trust God's Word, today, tomorrow, and forever
Larson in this falls for the claim that “truth” and right and wrong come only from the god he claims he follows. Presup argument, IOW, something familiar to the Great Debate community and easily refuted.
I don't pretend to speak for former President Obama, but even I understand what he meant far better than what Larson is claiming above. Omitting the tired lecture about how “right and wrong” are subjective, how the Bible condones what we now rightly consider wrong and evil ( oh yes, the Biblegod and the “good book” does in fact condone such evil as genocide, slavery, rape, slaughter and even human sacrifice) I'm pretty sure that in our society we've grown to the point where many people know what is right and wrong, what is unjust or unfair and that while praying to a deity for help does no harm, its much better to actually DO something.
 Larson claiming Obama's”moral compass” has been “way off for a long time” is rather ironic considering some of his own past.
“ Some Christians are equally guilty when they "feel led of the Lord" to do things that are unbiblical and even bizarre.” Like, oh, I dunno, generational curses, ancestors genetically passing down alter personalities and Skype exorcisms?
 From what I've been gathering, the whole deliverance ministry/ spiritual warfare of Charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity, while “active” currently, is fringe Christianity and for various reasons is not accepted to most Christians.
Larson is not the only exploiter using “demons” and “curses” and public “exorcisms” by any means.  But he does seem to typify the type of methods others of his ilk seem to be using. In his case, he has churned it to a profitable business, polished a turd and gilded it.
Too bad Larson keeps trying to peddle the dissociative identity disorder terminology, mixing it with “generational curses” as if “alters” can be cloned. I'm almost tempted to burst that BS bubble with  few recent studies and sources. However, at this point when I suspect that Larson peeks at my blog once in awhile ( hi bob!!) I don't wish to educate him as to why that particular subject is, ah, in serious error right now.  Maybe sometime in the future after Larson runs out of this current act or bites the big one I might explain.
 Let's just say Doctor W. was incompetent.
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