Bob Larson disses Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds-- his usual

Jan 05, 2017 20:01

And Bob Larson, being the type to diss celebs after they die, just had to do a double on Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.
Debbie, Demons, and Death (1-2-17) and (1-5-17)

Debbie Reynolds, age 84, died this past week. As most of America knows, it was just one day after her 60-year-old daughter, Carrie Fisher died. Thousands of articles and blogs have been written about this tragedy, but I’ve not seen any that touch on the underlying spiritual factors. Reynolds seemed like quintessential Hollywood good girl, just singing in the rain. But in the 1950s she suffered the acrimonious split of her marriage to singer Eddie Fisher, after he committed adultery with Elizabeth Taylor. Daughter Carrie Fisher was just two years old at the time. Carrie’s father unleashed a Jezebel curse that was to torment her life.

Fisher married musician Paul Simon, but that lasted only 11 months. That was followed by a relationship with Bryan Lourd which resulted in an illegitimate child. Lourd eventually left Fisher for a man. During the filming of “Star Wars” she had a three-month sexual affair with Harrison Ford. In 2005 a man was found dead in her home from an overdose of cocaine. Fisher claimed that the man’s ghost hunted her house. Afterwards, she declared herself an “enthusiastic agnostic.”

Bipolar disorder, cocaine addiction, and overuse of prescription medications were the staples of her life. In 1965 she overdosed and was rushed to the hospital. Her body having been pushed to the limit, she stopped breathing on a flight, December 23. Four days later she was dead. It was more than her mother Debbie could handle. She died the next day while planning Carrie’s funeral.

Who’s to blame for all this evil? Only God knows the whole story, but much of the evil can be blamed on eight-times-married Elizabeth Taylor. How she became such a Jezebel, eternity will tell. Yes, Eddie Fisher was also to blame. But Carrie might be alive today, and Debbie too, were it not for Taylor’s break-up of the marriage.
And one more thing. Though Carrie had no star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, fans have chalked one on the sidewalk, with the words, “May the Force be with You.” As I’ve written about before, The Force is a demonic power that George Lucas borrowed from Buddhism. There seems to be no evidence that Carrie Fisher ever turned from her antagonism toward God and repented of her own immorality. If so, The Force is indeed with her, for a terrifying eternity.

This is not by any means his first, nor his last, diss of a celebrity plus exploitation. He did that when Robin Williams died a few years ago.

This bullshit about Carrie Fisher having a “ Jezebel curse” from her father who committed adultery with Elizabeth Taylor is the type of half assed spin Larson uses based on his exploitation at the time of the spin. If you read his “blog” entry, copied above, he mixes Elizabeth Taylor as the “source” with the dual tragedies of Carrie's life and Reynolds dying soon after her daughter passed away. Its a bit piecemeal  and obvious guilt by association.
He naturally leaves out a number of things that don't fit his current exploitation. He makes it sound as if Carrie Fisher was a living train wreck when in fact she wasn't.  And he minimizes Debbie Reynolds' career.

The last paragraph was in bad taste. His spin of the Star Wars Force as “ demonic” with her “ terrifying eternity”.
The smug Christian imagining others suffering in hell is something I'm familiar with. These same Christians forget to include in their ( self) righteous judgment of human souls they condemn that in their religion, only One is allowed to judge souls. Not them.

If Bob Larson wants to claim various people are in hell, then he'd better make damn sure ( pun intended) that his ass is covered. If he is pretending to believe in the demons and curses crap he's currently peddling and knows he is using mind manipulating techniques on his prey, assuming he is a Christian, his current methods and claims might not go well with the Judge on the Throne of Judgment.

Actually I am somewhat amused that Larson, typical of his shallowness, didn't diss Reynolds more for certain of her roles. He missed in this cruddy blog entry of his to really churn out something more than this mess, if he wanted to focus on the “ occult” angle a bit deeper.

I should also mention that ( no surprise) other Christians online are spewing similar dissings at Fisher for her role in Star Wars, another guilt by association because Star Wars has Eastern mysticism elements in it.

It seems ironic and hypocritical to me that Larson should talk about multiple marriages and adultery leading to break up of a marriage , considering his past. His first wife accused him of adultery,  then he popped her with filing for divorce. His current wife is a multiple married woman ( he is her third, or is it fourth?, hubby). Not to mention how he chose candidates for wifey #2-- with female employees of BLM.

He apparently repeated post his " blog" entry a second time today. Guess he wants to be noticed again.
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