Larson end of the year web page BS

Jan 05, 2017 10:37

Okay, so let's take a look at his 12-2016 -1-4-2017 claims on his web site.

For the sake of brevity I've omitted the various ads and his usual self praising to focus on his, ahem, “fresh” claims. Well yes , turds can be fresh....


This past year has been one of great blessing. God has given me the strength to do what most

would find exhausting. Only by His grace have I been able to . . .

  1. Hold 60 seminars worldwide.

  2. Train 1,000 Bible college students in Ukraine to do deliverance.

  3. Author our 35th book, “Dealing with Demons.”

  4. Teach 1,000+ future pastors to minister exorcism and inner healing.

  5. Write my 36th book, “Set Your Family Free.”

  6. Publish 52 blogs to educate people about spiritual warfare.

  7. Grow our YouTube audience from 7 million to 9 million.

  8. Spend more than 150 days in Personal One-on-one Encounters.

There’s more, but I don’t have enough room to cite all God has done because of His faithfulness
and your financial support. At year’s end, our giving took a catastrophic nosedive. I appealed
desperately for help to end the year positively. Due to the kindness of faithful friends we
avoided a financial disaster. We are so grateful to the Lord and you.

Even though we dodged a bullet on December 31, we entered 2017 extremely low on funds to
go on. At the start of 2017, please do what you did at the end of 2016. We want to surpass the
accomplishments that I listed above, to give God glory!

In 2017. I’m asking all our friends and partners to be faithful each month to pray for us

regularly for health and strength, to increase the generosity of your giving, and to enroll in

the School of Exorcism if you aren’t already an alumnus.

I can’t wait to tell you in 2018 what God has done this coming year.

To give your best gift TODAY(( deleted by me))


Amy suffered from a 10-generation curse going back to a Scottish ancestor..

The ancestor was raped and retaliated with witchcraft to get even.

After the exorcism, Amy remembered nothing that happened.


BTW “Amy” is a black woman he also claims suffered from the “curse of Python”.

The Amy claim accompanies his YouTube vid of her alleged “exorcism”. I should mention that the “curse of Python” is “coincidentally” in other “deliverance ministries” focused on people with roots in Africa. This is , like the “ Jezebel spirit” claim, a recent add on of Larson's current exploitation. I have not heard him mention either Python or Jezebel in his Talk Back radio show“ live on air exorcisms”. For obvious reasons.

I added the Amy claim not because of the usual garbage Larson says about “ witchcraft”, exploiting hurt like rape victims and so forth, but because she claims she “remembered nothing” of what happened during the alleged public “exorcism”. Much like someone under hypnosis.

Again none of these alleged afflicted ever ask ancestor names, what date, where or anything else they could verify independently of Larson's claims. What strikes me about the declarations part of Larson's little drama is how no one ever questions how or where he got these supposed details. It reminds me of the fake mediums that prey upon the naive and vulnerable. Cold reading is a technique used by phonies to give their targets the impression that they have supernatural powers, such as communicating with dead loved ones or ( in this case) implying that the “generational curses” and so forth come from the Holy Spirit as a “ word of knowledge”.

Allow me to explain this a bit. Deliverance ministry AKA “ spiritual warfare” is a branch of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, Basically that type of Christian is focused on the “ gifts of the Spirit”-- in essence the Holy Ghost “gives” them “supernatural” gifts such as the gift of tongues, healing, raising the dead and so forth. Or to put it another way, they seek to be “anointed” by their god as one of the elect with “supernatural” powers. Speaking in tongues is easy to fake. Just ramble on making nonsense sounds that appear to the uneducated to be an actual language. A good example of this is faking speaking Chinese. But in their case they claim it is the Holy Ghost language, their god communicating with then, and they ignore the obvious problem of the sounds they make not correlating into the “translations” consistently. In any legitimate language, the same phonetic sounds that make specific words always mean the same thing when translated, no matter the place and time. Glossolalia is basically a self delusion.

Just as the “gift of tongues” is easy to fake unknowingly,m the “word of knowledge” is also easy to fake. Those claiming that the Holy Ghost is giving them “ words of knowledge” are trying to claim that whatever thought pops into their heads is a message from their god through the holy spirit. As a Pagan over the years I've met a few well meaning ( well I assume they were) Christians who claimed they had a “word of knowledge” message to me, usually about the same old crap of damnation and weak assed
“prophecies” of me being on my knees begging to their god. When one self appointed “
saint” told me the latter, I asked her point blank when and where, she mysteriously couldn't tell me the details other than the general vague image.

With McExorcist, he exploits the assumption that his targets have that he is getting “ words of knowledge” from the Holy Spirit when he makes claims about generational curses and ancestors . I don't believe I've ever heard him actually explain his on-the-spot “ revelations” specifically, but I wouldn't doubt off camera at his “ conferences” he misleads his followers to believe his cold readings are supernatural messages from their god. Conveniently for him, his claims are such that not one of his victims bothers to check their family history out very well later on, it seems. And few if any of his claims can be verified. How can one prove or disprove that an ancestor 60 generations ago did this or that?

There are a number of claims and tactics he uses in his current exploitation that are “ aberrant” even for the fringe Christianity he currently is using. One of the more bizarre claims he's made is that he “ trusts” what demons he interrogates say to him. Bear in mind that according to Christians, demons are liars and deceivers and that exorcists should not waste time questioning demons for the “ truth” about the demon world. Frankly I wouldn't trust one thing a habitual liar says. Yet Bobbie questions them to get , well, “news from hell”. I don't believe I have ever seen another Christian, DM or otherwise involved in exorcisms, do that specific approach.

As to what I copied and pasted here, note this claim in particular:


Grow our YouTube audience from 7 million to 9 million.


This is a blatant misrepresentation and I believe he knows it. The number he cites is the amount of TOTAL VIEWS his various vids on his channel have received. They are not the total subscribers to his channel. The number feeds his narcissistic ego but it is a dishonest claim. IOW a lie.

Basically the rest is his usual boasting and ebegging. His claim of “ publishing 52 blogs” for example is badly worded, omitting the specific word “entries”. To my knowledge, he has not published 52 different blog web sites. He did manage to use the word “ our” in reference to “ his” last vanity published book , but infers he's writing his current book by himself. As for it being “ his” 36th book, well that depends on what you consider his actual books. See, what Larson “ forgets” to mention is that “his” rock and cults books are, well, not exactly totally independent manuscripts. Aside from his usual claiming to be the author of book he actually had others write for him, that is.

And golly gee, if he is the author of 36 books, why does he need a vanity publisher? If he's a “ best selling author and commentator” as he claims, then major Christian publishers would snatch up every manuscript he finishes, right?

Why, its as if they are shunning him for some reason.......
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