After a long, stressful week of homecoming work, what better way to end it with a concert? Senses Fail w/ Moneen, Name Taken, and Silverstien to be exact. So after school on that eventful thursday, october, i came home, played some mario golf. and then went to benji's to go to the show. i got their, got me some coffee, and I was ready to rock. i chilled around outside and inside with benji, bijan, sam, and mish and bought a name taken shirt. then i saw rosenfuck and adam, so i went over to them. we chilled about. sat in the vip area, snagged some hot pictures, saw a beeeeaaaauuutiful girl and listen to the smooth sounds of name taken, moneen, silverstien (balls!) and finally, senses fail. me and rosenfuck decided to try out the mosh pit, cause we are moshXcore kids. it was wild stuff when they played. i rip my ankle apart int he pit, so i hobbled up to ash, and sat for the rest of the time. then, ash took me and roseneff backstage where i met buddy and got his john hancock. then i came home. the end.
Name Taken
Moneen Singer
Moneen Guitarist
Mosh with Moneen
Wacky Moneen Guitarist
Moneen singer is so fast.
Singer and Guitarist
Hey Buddy!
Daaaaaaaave Miller
Pensive Buddy
Dave, chilling with his Buddy
He's down on his knees.
He's screaming.
Buddy Double! ba da chh