this will only hurt for the rest of your life, but damn is it going to hurt.

Mar 31, 2005 23:54

i haven't felt enough for twenty-two years on this god-forsaken planet.
i succeeded once in convincing myself that there were more important things, that i could do something with the anger that i feel, and then i wanted to just be held. so i was stuck in that same place again, the place where nothing matters except that one other person. now though, the unspeakable awfulness of this world is creeping back into my consciousness and i'm examining my life once again. and somehow that other person doesn't fit in it the same, she doesn't fit in my arms the same...
don't get me wrong, it feels good, as good as it ever did. but i want to be able to feel the anger again, the same way i did before, i want to weep for the loss of life and the lives never lived, i want to feel so much that it makes up for the numbness. i want to have a song bring me to tears again.
before i wanted to die because i couldn't go on living the way i was... now i want to die because of the way that so many people go on living(if you can call it that).

how many people have actually lived a day in their life. how many people, except of course those priviledged enough to find themselves in positions of awareness. those who have found their ways out of the cave, to speak in intellectual cliches.

i want to shake them all by their shoulders and whisper loudly, "wake up, oh honey please, wake up!"
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