I am not generally a vindictive person, but I do often delight when people get what they deserve! When all we hear about is the left wing strength, its nice to know that some people are willing to stand up for what's right. Just read
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i don't really but heads as far as beliefs and/or political issues. i've yet to meet fat mike from nofx, the leader of the rock against bush campaign, but other bands that are against bush just want people to think. some of the bands may stand as liberals, but some of the members are as conservative as i am. we just want people to think instead of being dealt cards and always staying with them. that's why as Christians or as anyone else, you have to know what you believe. this isn't your parents/uncles/aunts/brothers/sisters faith. it's yours. and people who are conservative are anti everything. which is a shame because most people could care less what you're against, they want to know they feel love and accepted within a group. and the GOP and other conservative groups don't show that. which it's really sad. as far as me i'm vegan, straight edge as you can pretty much get. a Christian with conservative values and i love to make people think. there is conservative punks though. www.conservativepunk.com check it out... i know if john kerry is elected i will have a shirt made with his picture on it that says, "not my president." which one good thing that will come out of kerry and edwards being elected is that aquanet will still be in business.
Unfortunately, if elected, Kerry will be your president, and I hope that with all of his flipping of views will prove to be a more positive thing and hopefully he will be influenced by positive voices in power. I hope that Christians will pray even more for him than President Bush and that God will do a work through him despite himself. President Bush certainally is not perfect, but out of the issues he stands for, more align with my beliefs than what Kerry suposedly represents. I wish a President would be elected who cared more about what really was right in all situations than what his or her party stood for, but I think Bush is so much closer to that and really has broken some party lines. Thanks for showing me the conservativepunks website! What is aquanet and will it not be in business if Bush is re-elected?
my family is very political. well being in finance you have to be a conservative, unless you're a finance teacher then you're a hard nose liberal that think things should be in a bubble. :) my step dad decided to do "politics and your finances" subject on his radio show. which was funny because he got soooo much heat for it. he said, "liberals like living in a bubble and wanting everything to be predictible. conservatives are the innovators and want to actually get out of a routine and change when everything else changes to remain on top. the liberals want the government to take care of their every need. conservatives see it as an insult when the government tries to tell them how to spend their money and they should give it up so rednecks can go on welfare and suck the system dry and never have to do another thing again." man did he get some heat for that, but it was soooo great! which i'm not saying asking the government for assistance is bad, but it shouldn't be abused. and i see a lot of people dropping out of high school, having a thousand kids (overstatement) and living off the government by not getting a job and contributing to society. it gets on my nerves a lot... what's funny is most of my friends who are in bands. live like kings and get pissed off that they have to pay more taxes. which during a liberal administration, more taxes are raised, but they still support the environment and everything a liberal supports. it's a contridiction for the most part.
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