Apr 09, 2006 13:59
this weekend i went on a retreat with young adults from the friends yearly meeting. it was really amazing. it reminded me of the kind of community that i could have, somehow. it reminded me of so many other things, and it has challenged me to stop being so addicted to the computer and television. i'm tired of wasting my time. so, out of this, i am choosing to take a media fast. i'm allowing myself email, and other online stuff for school. so if you wish to contact me, alivewithanticipation@gmail.com is the only way online. i'll still be using my phone. no movies or television. i'm pretty excited. not only will this allow me more time to study, but it will also give me time alone with myself and with God. there are some pretty exciting leadings going on in my life right now, and i would be so excited to recieve His blessings on them.
for those of you that practice prayer, pray that i would trust myself. (can anyone tell i spent a weekend with like minded people? :), also we focused on calling, which is where a lot of this is coming from) i find when looking back over times when i felt a push in a certain direction, whether or not i had personal leadings that way or felt like God had spoken to me about it, i needed the affirmation of outside events and circumstances and people to believe it. i need to trust my personal experiences and learn again to discern in myself what is just wishful thinking and what is of Him.
one thing i loved about this weekend, was the constant reminder of God among us. He is omnipresent and quaker church or no, we learn the three omni-characteristics of God from a young age. i forget them all the time. especially omnipresence. the constant idea of God around us in every moment and place as well as in us. the air we breathe is permeated with God.
anyway, i'm sure i've said enough to last me a week anyway, so adios livejournal and the friends that accompany you, i'll be back in a week, if i feel like it. mwa