Welcome blinkin_sprog To my pet page. I am a Mutant Scorchio. But what i want to be more than anything in the world is a Lamameeah! TNT Cant go wong making me one. Most paint bruses would SURLEY work with me! From Plushie to royal, nothing could go wrong! My Owner Blinkin_Sprog Says that maybe one day i can become a Lamameeah.. She has even shown me How i COULD look, And i am excited.. She says not to get too excited as it may never happen, But you never know!
I think i would like to be painted Either Rinbow or pirate if i was to be turned into one! My owner Blinkin_Sprog said i look cute just as i am, and that the neopets team was just playing a trick... but i think they will make be able to turn into one!
I Kept on pestering and pestering Blinkin_Sprog to show me what i COULD look like, but, How would she know, in the end... She mannaged it! Above are 5 diffrent painted versions of a Lamameeah and a paint brush and morphing potion!! (I love you loads Blinkin_Sprog)
In the Bar chart to your Left. You will see that in Bar 1 there is nearly half Of 2 again, this many pets I asked in neopia would Also Like to be lamameeah too!
Blinkin_Sprog Also Did a bit of research for me (since i dont know where that mush is in neopia) and found out some of the items Lamameeahs are most likely to like...
They would like these as (Evil Muffin) They LOVE to battle. They are Naturaly tallented in the Battle Dome, So the perfect partner to a Neopian who likes to battle. They just Keep pushing them Selfs.... (Glammour Negg) they Look After Themselfs Well. As you can tell From Looking at how spotless and well groomed they are! (Race To Riches Scratchcard) This is Because they also like to gamble! There saying is "A Scratch A day Keeps my addiction away!" So, These are the perfect items For the Lamameeah!
Here are some things i think you might like... To remind you of this page :)
Something has happened!
o0o0oh, Whats this you have discovered? A lamameeah Paintbrush? Why not go see if you can find one. They can't be That rare can they?
Something has happened! |
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/niaj/LLpb.gif border=1 height=80 width=80> |
o0o0oh, Whats this you have discovered? A http://neopets.com/~sillysprog>lamameeah Paintbrush? Why not go see if you can find one. They can't be That rare can they?
Something has happened!
o0o0oh, Whats this you have discovered? A lamameeah Morphng Potion? Why not go see if you can find one. They can't be That rare can they?
Something has happened! |
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/niaj/lpot.bmp border=1 height=80 width=80> |
o0o0oh, Whats this you have discovered? A http://neopets.com/~sillysprog>lamameeah Morphng Potion? Why not go see if you can find one. They can't be That rare can they?
Appreciation is the best thing :)
Drawings (c) Blinkin_Sprog - Dont steal them ... It's Sad
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