Apr 05, 2006 02:39
Highway 4
Here we are speeding down the 70 mph freeway
Trees blur not because of speed
But because tears fill up my eyes, I can't see
It's a watery world
One that goes hand in hand quite well
With sadness and betrayal
Will my life be the life I fear?
If it is, how do I live? No, no, no!
Fuck it, I refuse to live the life of sadness
Life without true happiness,
Life without. . . him.
Fuck it, fuck everything, fuck life.
The tires goes into the ditch, the engine dies.
"I won't watch you do it."
It's a battle I don't want to fight anymore.
Let me go.
The angel of wise on my left says no.
He holds the steering wheel.
The angel of death on my right says do it.
The right is starting to win.
He almost won, he could win again.
"Please." The word glows on the screen.
His voice is silent but the word is deafening.
The left won. "I promise. Go."
The tires spin once again
Speeding down Highway 4
There goes the right turn.
Another left.
There he is.
The sight of him rips me apart.
Brown, brown eyes that cannot look at me.
"You went back to her, didn't you?"
It slips off my finger like a snake in water.
The silver and blue hit him in the chest.
It bounces off then clattered quietly on the concrete.
Louder than everything in my mind.
The dragon silently flew away, heartbroken.
No longer golden.
Far away than it's ever been from my heart.
The car door slam, shutting out the world.
I curl up with nothing,
But happy memories, white roses. . . him.
But wishing for death to take me away.
However, I promised the angel of wise.
Outside my closed eyelids, he sat waiting.
His brown, brown eyes looking at me.
Go away. Death is the only thing left.
How do I have you if I'm losing you?
No, wait. I'm wrong.
I'm not losing you because I lost you tonight.
I was just blind, damn my determination.
Damn my will, my strength, my stubbornness.
Damn my undying love for you and you only.
Damn my a-year-ago mistake.
Damn you.
There were tears in his brown, brown eyes.
What is the truth? Why are you here?
"I chose you."