(no subject)

May 04, 2006 18:47

Dear friend,

My mind is racing. I'm out of control. I had some sort of a break-down earlier this week. I'm not sure what caused it.

I recieved 5 tardies to class. I had ISD today and have it again tomorrow. I also have after school tomorrow. Talk about a long day. I was able to get some homework and such done today. But my first and 6th period teachers gave me quite a bit of busy work. I hope I donn't get anything from my teachers tomorrow. I already know that I have to take a spanish test. The sad ting is, I actually really enjoy ISD. It gives me a chance to chill and get my head straight. There are no distractions. No worries. I almost wish every school day could be like that. Just sit quietly and do work. I think I'm learning better that way than in an annoying classroom. The teachers don't teach. We just do busy work and take notes all day. I'm actually looking forward to tomorow. After dentention is over at 3, I get to go and chill with the Perkies. = ]

My mind is racing. My head is pounding. My hands are cold and sweating. My brain is tired.

I don't want to talk to you. Why can't you understand that? I just need a break from you for a little while. I have enough drama and stress at school on top of typical teenage angst and self discovery. I don't need you to make things worse. I know I haven't been the best to deal with at times, but you have to understand everything I'm dealing with right now. I'm doing my best. I'm getting better. I'm just sick of all those broken promises.

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