title: behind the scenes
foreverflickerfandom: american idol
pairing(s): cook/archuleta
rating: pg (cook's potty mouth. :O)
genre: angst
prompt: o → opportunity
disclaimer: First off, I do not own David Cook or David Archuleta or any other persons mentioned; they are all their own person. Secondly, no profit was made off of this piece of work. And, lastly, it’s fiction. All of this was created from my mind. To my knowledge, none of this has happened.
summary: "we have plenty of time, arch. you can totally do a video blog if you want to. here, i'll even hold the camera for you. how's that sound?" he said with a smile.
note(s): so, over at
cookleta_etc there was a cookleta appreciation post, and i asked for some prompts. when i asked for prompts, i also posted the layover video, and
gracelessheart prompted me with "something to do with that blog" and this is what came out of it! it turned out angstier than i wanted it to be, but apparently my muses didn't want to be happy anymore. :[
"whoa. this is so cool!" david exclaimed, watching the tunnel flash with lights. it went from red, to purple, to white, to blue in a matter of seconds, and david was mesmerized by it all. he had never seen a tunnel like this, and he wondered if his fans had. he turned to cook. "i wanna do a video blog! i wanna show my fans this tunnel!" he said.
cook, who was also looking at the lights, looked to david and let out a small laugh. "you wanna do a video blog? now?"
david nodded his head quickly. "yeah," he replied before realizing how childish he sounded, and quickly felt his face redden. "um, never mind. i don't - i don't think we have time, anyway," david quickly corrected himself and began moving through the tunnel once more, feeling embarrassed about his childish outburst before.
gosh, he wished he wasn't so childish! if he wasn't, maybe cook wouldn't look at him like he was a kid, and maybe look at him like he was an adult (okay, maybe he wasn't eighteen for another three months, but that didn't mean that he couldn't act like an adult or make his own decisions). maybe cook would actually feel something more for him than feeling that david was just his 'kid brother' because david didn't feel like cook was his older brother. no, he felt that cook was - well, to be honest? he looked at cook like he shouldn't look at cook because he was a guy and cook was a guy, but he just couldn't help it because cook was so awesome and amazing, and just. well, he was everything that david wasn't.
before david could go very far, he felt a hand wrapping around his wrist and automatically, his pulse quickened at the feel of those callused fingertips on his skin. archie turned back to cook (well, more like cook turned him and archie just followed). "we have plenty of time, arch. you can totally do a video blog if you want to. here, i'll even hold the camera for you. how's that sound?" he said with a smile.
archie felt himself smiling without even thinking about it. "really?" cook nodded his head. "awesome!" david slung the pack from around his shoulders and dug into his bag for his camera, pulling it out and handing it over to cook. "do you need help turning it on?" david asked softly, zipping his bag back up and throwing it back on his shoulders, adjusting it.
cook shook his head as he looked at the camera before pressing a button, the camera making a small noise, signaling that it was on. "nope. i got this. ready?" david nodded his head and fixed his shirt before waiting for cook to tell him that the camera was recording.
david began the video blog seconds later, starting off by talking about where he was and about how trippy (he must have been hanging around jason a little too much) it was before he started talking about how they only had three shows left of the tour and that it was going to be bittersweet for him. but it wasn't going to be bittersweet - it going to be depressing. heck, it was depressing. in three shows, everything would be over - the ten of them would go their separate ways, and probably wouldn't see each other for weeks, maybe even months. and, oh gosh how was he going to handle that? not being able to see cook?
seeing cook was almost a daily thing - he had gotten used to cook's arm slinging over his shoulder, cook's laugh, cook's voice, cook's comforting words when david was feeling down. he had gotten so used to cook just being there that he wasn't sure he was going to be able to deal without cook being there. the thought made his heart constrict in his chest, and if he wasn't standing in front of cook and a camera, in a public place, david would have probably started crying. but, he didn't - he just moved onto a different topic, or well, was going to until he just happened to look at cook and then blurt out, "do you mind if i. . ."
cook of course shrugged and said, "i don't care, sure," because cook never cared about being shown on camera or whatnot because cook was that laid back of a guy.
"well the person recording this for me, behind this camera, is the lovely david cook," he said, and cook panned the camera to himself and repeated the fact that david had called him lovely, and all david said was "yeah," with a smile (that the people couldn't see because the camera was still on cook) and a small giggle, his brain still stuck on the fact that he called cook lovely.
cook, lovely? that was - well, that wasn't the exact word that david would have used for cook. cook was handsome, and he was smart, and caring, and pretty much everything david wasn't (save for caring because david thought he was pretty caring). but lovely? well, maybe he was but that was such a girly word that david couldn't believe he called cook that instead of calling him something like, "cool" or even something so simple as "awesome". something that wasn't lovely would have been the better alternative.
david wrapped up the blog - he wasn't really sure what he said, most likely said goodbye and even said why cook was holding the camera for him (yes, he did say why cook was there 'cause david was shaky with holding the camera himself, which caused cook to laugh) - and when cook said he was done, david let out a heavy sigh a relief.
"i still can't believe you called me lovely," cook repeated, turning off the camera and handing it back to david with a small grin on his face.
"i - i'm sorry. i didn't mean-"
"no, that's totally cool, archie. it's just, i've never heard a guy call me lovely before. well, i guess there is a first time for everything, right?" cook asked, slinging an arm over david's shoulder.
david forced himself to smile as he played around with the camera in his hands. "yeah, i guess there is."
"hey, you okay?" david looked up to cook, who was looking at him with a worried look in his eye.
"yeah, i'm fine." cook didn't buy it. "i guess - i guess mentioning the tour just made me realize how much i'm going to miss it all, that's all," david said, wanting to say that he wasn't going to miss it all, just him.
cook let out a sigh and looked forward down the tunnel. "i know how you feel. but, we'll see each other, don't worry. i'll make sure of it," cook said, turning back and giving david a wide smile.
david nodded, and it was silent for a beat before david began speaking - "cook, i lo-"
"aw, shit. we'd better get going. we've only got ten minutes till they start boarding and our flight is like, at the end of the hallway," cook said, looking away from checking his watch and to david. david just nodded as cook let his arm fall from david's shoulders, the skin feeling cold from the loss of cook's arm and began walking away.
david waited a moment before he began following cook to their plane.