May 11, 2005 20:38
Hey everyone, sorry... i never write entries in here anymore... a lot has happened... but i dont feel like telling u all about it... i'll just tell u about last weekend... which had a lot of stuff in it but overall wasn't that great.
so yeah friday me and emily left half way through the day b/c 5th period we just had a meeting and 6th we had this gay assembly and we were walking away from the school and someone started yelling "JENNA!!!" and i thought it was like a teacher or something so me and emily started walking faster and then we went through the feild and the person yelled "is that jenna" and i was like "no..." but then i reconized the voice so i was like "wait who are you?" and it ended up being chad lol so me, emily, chad and his friend all walked around for awhile but they had to go back to holy cross to take their buses home so me and emily went to 7-11 to buy slurpies and then we were sitting by the old folks home on these rocks... but the old ppl creeped us out so we went and chilled at the park (we couldn't go back to my house until 3:30 b/c my mom works in the basement and she would have known we skipped) so yeah we were at the park and going through that blue net thingy? and teeter-tottering lol which was fun until ppl started comming home from school and ruined it so we went back to my house.
ooooh yah we took out all the stuff in the guestroom and put my computer desk, couch, tv, guitar and amp in there and now its the "den" but i still call it the guestroom... anyways... back onto the story haha...
then a little while after that cody, ben and kyle showed up and we all hung out in the "den"... cody tried on my pants lol and he wore them to the spill later on... the sad part is he looks better in them than i do haha. and kyle was wearing my pants too but he didnt wear them to the spill... cody had to leave for awhile to go get his mom a m-day present and me and emily talked to kyle about some pretty weird stuff lol... i think he felt awkward.
anyways... later on we all went to the spill and there was some bands playing, most of them were really crappy though one of them played a really bad version of a my chemical romance song... kind of ruined it lol. so most of the time we all just hung out outside and around town...
oh god... cody weise was there... man i hate that kid... all he does is drugs now, its all he cares about... i miss the old days... when there was the bod squad and the cdc squad haha yup.... those were the days!!! anyways he was walking around with some guys hand on his ass... but i think they were both pretty smashed haha...
kristie was there and she was being a pretty big bitch about everything as usual but she apologized to koadie about everything which was kind of a relief.
i didnt like that show.. due to the amount of girls flirting with koadie... man i hate that... i get SOOOOOO jealous of him and hes sooooo flirty too... its really annoying... when i was at battle of the bands these 5 girls came up to me and started talking about how hot koadie was and how much they wanted to hook up with him that night and i wasnt really saying anything and the one was like dont u think hes hot... and i was like yeah, hes my boyfriend... and then they were all kind of quiet lol... oh god.. and on friday even mae wanted to makeout with koadie... and mae, for those of u who dont know him is a boy haha but hes dating natalie... and it was funny b/c me and her were lik sitting with them... and he asked koadie if he wanted too and koadies like "i cant, jenna will hit me" lol which i would have... i mean i <3 boys kissing... i just dont like my boyfriend kissing other ppl, weither it be a boy or a girl lol.
after the spill me and emily went back to her house and i felt really bad b/c koadie had like no way of getting home... and he could of spent the ngiht at emilys house with us but rob would have like spazzed so he didnt... and so when we got to emilys house i like called kyles house like 80, 000, 000, 000, 000 times to see if he got there okay lol which must fo been really annoying but it turns out he took a cab to kyles with mae. after i found out he was okay me and emily hung out and her sisters had like a bunch of ppl over and we kepy stealing their beer b/c they had like a shit load of it lol (yeah i know... there goes my new years resolution but it was going to end sooner or later) but i hate beer and so we went into her sister room and stole her bong and weed... and no im not a stoner... that was actually my first time doing drugs lol... but yeah they didnt even notice and but her sister didnt have a lot and there was a guy there who had a big bag of it in his back pocket and he had passed out in her sister jessicas room so we were going to go get the bag but we went into the hall and we could hear her sister and the guy with the weed fucking which really wasn't good b/c her sister has a boyfriend and has been with him for like 5 years so emily like ran into the guest room and was like shaking and she wanted me to go get all the stuff out fo her room like blankets and to put the bong back and everything but i couldnt without her sister hearing me so yeah we were stuck in the guest room and we were really pissed b/c we both had pasties and we were really hungry and we couldn't go downstairs into the basement to get food so we stayed up for like an hour just talking about how bad we wanted pizza pockets lol.
saturday we woke up and her sister was screaming on the phone to her boyfriend b/c i guess he found out and they ended up breaking up... and danielle came over and her mom called emilys b/c danielle isnt supposed to be over there adn said u have 35 mins to get home or im calling the cops (danielles mom calls the cops on her a lot) but there wasn't any cars at emilys house and its like a 2 hour walk to danielles house so yeah it sucked and then finally emilys sister got home so she was taking danielle home as we got down emilys street the cops went by and they pulled into emilys driveway and yeah we took danielle home and she got in a lot of trouble but the cops didnt even go back to her house when they found out she wasnt at emilys anymore... danielles mom is crazy.
me and emily went back to my house and she spent the night here... we walked down lansdowne b/c i still hadn't got my mom a present for mothers day and i ended up getting her a book from chapters... nothing all that great happened at my house on sat.
then on sunday we went tanning for like ever and im still white as a freaking ghost!?!?!?!!??! i do not tan. and its really annoying.
monday there was a new girl at our school and i was chosen to show her around b/c apparently im such a responsible student? anyways... i showed her around and she went to market hall with my after school and she seemed kind of cool... that was a pretty good show... i liked it. i went with cody, kyle and ben too... carlye was there too but i didnt really hang out with her... ben still owes me $10... when the new girl came natalie was like really pissed b/c i wasn't talkin to her all day b/c i was busy introducing the new girl and showing her around and natalie got really jealous which is kind of cool considering no one gets jealous over me... but i feel bad b/c me and nan are like best friends... and now we both hate the new girl together =D
yesterday i found out i really dont like the new girl... and after school went grad shopping with her and her mom is seriously like crazy... im not even going to get into the events of last night b/c im too lazy and they were just really annoying...
today i realized i wanted to chop the new girls head off... shes just like carley b. and they hang out a lot now, mostly with the grade 7's and they are both really annoying. i came home half way through the fay b/c im still sick... last week i was only at school for one day b/c i was so sick all week. and after dinner i went out shopping with my mom and i was going to get these red converse... but they didnt have my size and it really sucked.
and thats about all.