Apr 21, 2004 15:35
The past few days have been alot of fun... or NOT! Im tired of my job at church. They treat me like a little kid there all i want to do is work for Pastor Ann cause she needs the help and she knows how to treat people nice. I cant wait for it to be over! I can't be stuck on a schedule like that anymore now that i have a (real) job (as my mom like to call it) oh and speaking of her sometimes she really erks me..... like monday i went to the orthodontist and i hadn't been wear my retainer a lot so it didnt fit anymore and i had to get a new one and i knew i was gonna have to pay for it just like i have to pay for everything elses but i asked her if i could borrow the money for it and i would pay her back the next weeek cause i didnt get paid till after i owed the money and she got into a big fit about all and was like "you need to take responsablity for yourself".... im mean come on i know that and its not like i was gonna not pay her back......and then at the dentist today (which i have to pay for and she made me go even though i dont have the money)... she was in the room next to me complaining about me and i could hear every word she said... oh and Linders you dads new office is really cool!
Well to who ever is reading this your probobly tired of hearing me complain so im done.