Ron Paul: Minor Nuisance.

Apr 04, 2012 10:13

Ron Paul is getting absolutely annihilated in the campaign. Every cent people have donated to his campaign could have been used for something more productive, like an emergency "bug-out" fund to exfiltrate you and your family from the expanding surveillance-nanny-police-prison state. Buying $3200 worth of Mega Millions Lottery tickets is a smarter investment than throwing your money at the ant in a country full of grasshoppers.

Even if Ron Paul were to become President, there is nothing he can do to right the ship. The damage is done. At this point, the cure will be as painful as the collapse will be. The same rioting you're gonna see as the economy continues to fall off a cliff is the same rioting you'd see if Dr. Paul performed the slash-and-burn scorched earth government cuts which would be necessary to stave off the collapse. It's too late. Just go away Dr. Paul. Let the people reap what they have sown.
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