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Jan 28, 2007 20:50

Explain Everything - No one-word answers.The last song you listened to?:A Decade under the stars by taking back sunday Name one thing you worry about running out of.:money... i need money so bad right now! What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?:people say i look like amanda bynes... ehh. no one really. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?:pickles, orange juice, and milk. Would you rather be a fish or a bird?:a bird... i want to fly! What are your favorite sayings?:Take A Chance, Because You Never Know How Perfect Something Can Turn Out To Be. < soooo true. :) Have you ever been in love?:NO. Because if it was Love, he wouldn't have put me through all that shit, he wouldn't have left me, and put another girl before me. We had different definitions of always... Do you talk to yourself?:Yeah. sometimes. When i'm looking for something ill be like "where the hell did i put it?" or if i mess up ill be like "ahh stupid stupid stupid!" Are you simple or complicated?:definatly complicated... i wish i was simple...how that would make things less stressful! What are some random things you like to do (aside from sports/other hob:i LOVE sitting on my rooftop... its probably the funnest random thing out there.... Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?:of course... Do any songs make you cry?:a few... some about death, some about love, and some that are really close to my heart... with memories behind them. How often do you read books?:lately, i havent had time... but usually every day for an hour. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?:sleep... i love sleeping! Your daily routine?:waking up, work out, small breakfast, study, chores, getting ready, then usually hanging out with my friends.... Anything big ever happen in your hometown?:hmm, we made it in teen people last year... an article about the boy who was planning on killing people, he started the bathroom on fire at school and did some wretched stuff. How many meals do you eat a day?:one or two... Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?:no, thats not my thing... Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?:my dad pays Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?:nope. im quite okay without one... but when its the right guy, im very happy with him too. i dont need a guy to complete me! Do you have a Tattoo?:nope... but me and shannon are getting cranes when we turn 18, cranes stay together till they die... What's something weird that your younger self wanted?:haha jesse mccartney! Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?:kimmi. Give three reasons you smile::because i have a good life, i have a great best friend, and im happy with the guy in my life. Three reasons you frown::because i miss my best friends from driggs, because i dont know who i am, and because i have regrets. Name three television shows that should be taken off the air::oh, the fresh prince, God I hate it! And... eh, I don't watch tv anyway... thats all I can think of... maybe my super sweet 16.. its just BITCHES on that show. Do you believe in "good enough"? (Interpret however you'd like.):yeah... of course... its not the best, but its good enough, as in guys? sound bitchy? no. we all think it. Do you think PDA should be allowed in school?:why not? ppl want to show off their hot lovers! Pick a random name and find the meaning of it. (Babynames.com):ryan- means King... ha! who would have guessed? Do you tan or burn?:tan Do you ever wish you could be someone else?:of course! Did you ever pretend to have superpowers when you were little?:yes, when driving in cars... i would pretend to slow the car down in front so we could go pass them... it worked! only because my mom is a freakishly crazy driver.. Are you looking forward to college?:very much so. If you've already been through/are in college, how's the "real world"?:ive been there.. it blows! but independence is amazing/ What's something that you get angry with yourself for doing?:for running back to a boy i thought i loved... Name three things you like about yourself::i love the fact that i have the bestest friend shano, i like that ive been stronger with love lately, and i like that i listen... i guess. Three places you never care to visit?:i want to go everywhere, good or bad! Something you think everyone should read::a child called it, a time for dancing,and my livejournal! jk Your favorite and least favorite commercials?:i love geico i hate boring onesssss When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you think/say?:what the hell happened. haha. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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