Title: Not Every Kiss Begins With K.
Pairings: Ian/Anthony... Wee bit of Mel/Ian
Ratings/Warnings: Angst. Major angst. Character death. Suicide. You get the idea.
Summary: My best friend was in a car crash, and I almost saved him
Author's Notes: In multiple point of views, first Ian, then Anthony, then third person/narrator, and lastly Ian. It is the first angst-like fic I've written, so please tell me how I did. Thanks! ~Becca
Previous Chapters: One-Shot
"Ian? Are you okay?" Melanie asked me, concern ringing in her voice. She already knew the answer. My best friend... No, my boyfriend, had just been in a car crash. He was turning left and a speeding car, driven by a drunk driver, crashed into him. When I got there, paramedics were already on the scene. The car was totaled, and the only thing I could see was blood. Red bodily plasma everywhere. Of course the drunk guy was fine, just drunk. Anthony was terrible. His leg was now facing inwards and his foot was trapped under the crushed car. His arm had completely snapped in two and he was unconscious. Now, I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, my best friend who is a girl was worried about me and I wasn't sure whether Anthony was dead or not.
"Thanks for being here Mel. I know you're still upset about your breakup with Max." I said very solemnly.
"No problem Ian. It seems as though you need my help more than I need yours at the moment. Plus he's bot as hardcore as you think." she reassured me. A man in green scrubs called my name. I quickly stood from the uncomfortable chair and walked with him into the room. Anthony was there in a peaceful slumber. Not dead, just asleep. The nurse nodded his head and left the room, closing the door behind him. I walked over to where my boyfriend was resting. As I neared him, the monitor began to beep faster. His eyes opened slowly and registered the room.
"Ian, what the fuck happened?" he whispered softly.
"Well, you were in a car crash. You've broken three ribs, your leg and arm and fractured your neck and skull."
His eyes widened at all the information.
"When can I get up. These casts fucking itch." he said a bit louder. I chuckled.
"Soon Anthony. Are you in any pain?"
"No. I just feel like shit." he paused for a moment before speaking again.
"My heart hurts." I stood there confused for a moment. His heart? Like, did he miss me or did it actually hurt. He went deadly pale and I got the hint. I pressed the emergency call button just as the monitor went blank. Nurses and doctors rushed into the room, panicking and doing everything they could to bring him back. But I knew he was gone. Forever. Nothing could bring him back. His heart had stopped. Permanently. My eyes filled with tears and my knees became weak. I sat down in the nearest hair and cried. The world felt empty and lonely. I was surrounded, yet alone. He was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it. Time moved quickly, and the doctors gave up. They moved away, giving me space to say goodbye. I walked towards the damned bed, holding my tears. I hugged him tightly, wishing he would come back, knowing he never would. A tear fell from my face and landed on his exposed chest. The monitor was still blank, but I heard a faint change in the pattern. Another tear fell, another sound. Multiple tears dropped, multiple noises. I was finally courageous enough to give him a final kiss goodbye. I placed my lips softly on his cheek, but backed away quickly when the monitor started again. A normal pulse rate was heard. The docs pushed me out of the way, and surrounded the once dead man again. But it was too good to be true. The noise changed back to the dreaded noise I couldn't bear. The doctors had me try again, but with no such luck. He was gone. And I almost saved him. Almost. I left the hospital and headed home with Melanie, preparing a funeral for the man I loved and called my best friend.
I was so close. So close to resurfacing from the utter darkness I saw. But the doctors moved you away, and I knew I had no chance. So I watch over you. I see you take Melanie home. I see you drive to ours alone. I see you write your final note. I see you pick up the gun. I see you put it to your head. I see you pull the trigger. I see you walking towards me, smiling and blue eyes sparkling. I see your hand stretched out to grab mine. I see you take my hand and kiss me once again. We walk away into the eternal realm of heaven, to be together forever.
"Breaking news this hour. A twenty four year old man died in hospital today from a heart attack after a major car collision. Another man found dead in his home. Police described the scene as shocking, as the man had been smiling. Doctors say he was in the room with them when his friend had the heart attack. When monitors miraculously began to restart, he was pushed out of the way and the young man died in hospital. Police believe that the one found smiling committed suicide after the shocking event that took place before his eyes. I am Tim Burkley and this is TV Sacramento."
So as you can see, my kiss did not begin with "K". It began with "L". L for love and L for life. It could have brought him back to life, but it did not. It took it away, and it took mine as well; out of love.