Jan 06, 2005 16:51
So, about one month ago i said to myself , "somethings got to change". I had no idea what i meant but i knew that i wasn't as happy as i could have been. soo, i set out to make some changes, first being..; i decided to quit smoking cigarettes,*update* easily kicked habit.! Secondly, i wanted to make drinking alcohol a complete social event, causing my mind and body to recover from the years past tramplings. lastly i intended on finding a girlfriend, a hot, sweet girl who made me infinately happy.
DECEMBER_________ the beginning of the month i set out to take care of buisness with smoking...did so and moved on...next went with the alcohol...i cut down very quickly but when i did consume the substance i seemed to take it completely further than i needed to...which made me think that i should just give it up 100%.....but, i made the choice in '05 that when i DO drink liquor or beer, its gonna be in moderation, AND in small amounts...fuck gettin boozed out allll the time ..i need to get a straight look at my life and its gonna happen this year. the middle to end of december i went to atlanta...a home away from home. there, i saw almost EVERY person who could have made my adventure sooo great. I truly am glad to be back in florida, not only because of the warm weather, but because i want to start moving on with my life.., growing up i guess. i talked to my mom while i was in ATL, and the message i received from her was, have a fun and great time doing what you're doing....so im saying Fuck it all,,..imma do my thing. BRING ON THE NEW YEAR i hope its gonna be great!
something that will help it be great is my alyssa... , yes i CAN stay consistent when i feel like it, and ive been everso happy smiling all the time, and im 100% positive im making the right decision and just to prove it...all i got to say , meet her...you'll fall in love with this beauty...honestly shes more charming than I am!!!
all in ONE month my life has gone through some changes that im proud of and damn happy i did make them!
next time pictures!