just a warning for this.
It was only supposed to be a sore. Something just got stuck in her mouth and agitated it. That's it. It couldn't possibly be a tumor, she's too young. Well, it is. I came home last week and found dried blood on ella's ball. I figured maybe a tooth was bleeding, but I checked and didn't see anything. Then I looked at her face and one side had a bump on it toward the back of her jaw. I checked the side of her teeth but couldn't see much. Later she was on her back with her mouth open. That's when I saw it. It was huge too.
My dad took her in for surgery today. It was to remove whatever was "agitating her mouth." Then we found out it's a tumor. The vet said this only occurs in older dogs, and ella is not even 2 years old. He said he hasn't seen one like this since 1988. He removed as much as he could, and some teeth came out too. He's sending it in to see if it's malignant. He's almost positive it is. It grew in about 2-3 weeks. That's a week longer than we realized it was there. There was nothing to cause it, no way to prevent it. If it's malignant, we'll have to put her to sleep. I had to call megan to tell her. It took me a whole minute to start talking because I was crying so much.
I just never saw this coming. Who expects these things anyway.