Mar 15, 2006 02:45
Trying to get this EFFING homework done so I don't have to worry about it anymore!
I know right? it's not even due til Thurday... so why th crap am I staying up tonight getting it done?
the answer my friends is this:
I was given TONS of crap to get done over my spring break... -_- and part of that "tons of crap" was ten 1 page essays that have to incorporate a number of terms ranging from 4... to 17!! >:O I've only just completed 4... and I worked on them for the cast majority of my week long spring break... -_- so... because it took me so long to do only 4... I figure it's best that I get as much as I possibly can tonight... I aiming for 3 more... then I have some math homework to complete for tomorrow, before I can go to bed... I'm anticipating being in bed around 4am... if I'm not, I'm just gonna quit and go to bed then anyways... cause I already don't feel well... and father feels its his God given duty, to force me awake at 7am...
so... I wake up when I'm forced to, and go back to sleep until I have to actually be awake... after he leaves for work... thank JESUS he's back to working days...
anyways, I better get back to writing this crap... 3 more to write tonight... then as soon as I'm out of class tomorrow, hopefully, I'll finish writing the other 3... which will take considerable longer... as I plan on doing the shortest ones tonight... so... yeah...
I've wasted too much time all ready... cyah when I'm finished! :D