The other side.

Dec 06, 2006 19:04

I think.
I think I think too much, but it just feels so right.
Once again its just another thing worth analyzing with the spot lights and for a closer glance lens of a microscope,
feels so worth the thoughts sliding over my body as would a snake.
Is it or not, I wouldn't know, he said I was so naive, I wouldn't know worthwhile thoughts from a pile of mental shit, rotting away the perfect virgin emotions, if any at all remain. They could have gone to better use? I ask myself. Better save them, the day may come when the words I love you come from his heart.
Never forever happy, always a curious cat.
Upon a desire, I wish to know what is happening- Is the grass greener on that side??? , upon the other desire---- just fucking forget it, I'd rather be forever happy at the best expense, and at the worst--- just kill whatever it is inside me that wont die and spreads throughout my veins- this disease causing sub complications - paranoia, invading all that brings joy, replacing it with the devils temptation, my curiosity is a never ending task ignited by devilish pride and hate, desires and thoughts, all which is unseen to my eye, the anger of being blind. I hope you die- never works merely as a means of submission.
I have been weakened by a force but I am persistent to hide it, because stubbornness is a character trait of mine. I ache in silence, I thought again- that to silence it would surely cease,
simply because I have never tried being so silent.
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