Nov 13, 2005 18:47
any way it is 6:48 and i should be doing a project and then go to work bu this week has been the worst ever and i am going to write about it. first of all i hate my life when it comes to my luck. when i found out a while ago that she got a boyfriend i think i was able to handle it well. but then it happened again. but to be true before it happened i convinced my self that i was going to give up looking. so all u who said give up and it it will happen, u were right. but aas i said before, just when things look like they will be perfect. they went to the shitter. but i am ahead of my self. she was o so perfect for me and vis versa. it was even confessed by her mouth and from mine that we really truly liked each other alot. but she didn't know if she wanted another boyfriend so i said take your time u decide. so i got the idea to get her flowers on opning night. a rose to be exact. and lets put it this way, what started out as 1 rose turned into about 7 roses in a type of bouque u could say. so i give them to her and she really, really likes them. and aparently she like me a whole lot more then she lets on. but any way as you can see i am so close to happniess and i am so excited that it might finally happen, and then... well lets just say every thing i do in life comes back to slap me in the face. so when she was personally able to tell me this is how it happened. so she went home with the flowers that i gave her and her parents blew up at her and in the end of the yelling forbid her to do anything about it, or to say date. so she said lets stay good friends. wow if that dosn't suck then who knows. but i mean come on who could have imagined that giving roses to someone u like could turn your life down the crapper. so right now i don't know what to do. i got soo excited about being so close to attaining happiness that now i can't think straight and i think i might as well give up dating entirly until some later time in life. but then that can't be healthy and for some stupid and strange reason it is happining to me again. i don't know what i am going to do about it. it be cool if it worked out but then people would look at me and say, wow you jump fast from your "crushes". and u know what they are probly right. but that is what keeps me sane and going sometimes. to know that there is someone i can like and them like me back is so nice to think about. i can't say why i do what i do, perhaps thats just what makes me me. i am truly mind boggled about what to do any more. i just want to stop thinking about it for a long time and just have fun. maby i will be able to do that now, maby not. but any ways thats my long story. if you made it this far you are a truly dedicated reader and i thank u for taking time to listin to me wine and complaine. oooh lets see. i think that B and B is going really good and in the end it will be the greatest show in the intire world. i hope u all cna see it and thanks to u who have already seen in. it's soooo cool to stand out in the line and see your friends come up to u and hug u. to name a few people ive seen, WABBY, CAROLYNN, MY WIFE-AMANDA, THE WOBBY FAMILY, AND CHARY, ANDERS, WILL, SARA, TWO EMILYS, MERIDETH, LAURA, MY FAVORITE MO FO, MARIJAH, ANNA,and just coultless others. i thank u all for coming. hope to see all of u again. any any advice on the previous topics would be nice, that means that IZZY, and WOBBY, and Manda, and Carolynn and all u other should write till day break i really need help on what to do. ok now i'm done.