my ramblings

Jun 12, 2005 22:29

well now, today was a day to remember. not only did i enjoy a great pig meal but i saw and heard a great many things. but one peculiar thing to watch is how people interact with each other. what i think i am trying to say is that, when u have been friends with someone for what seams like a long time and u thing u know them pretty well u would expect to get some conversation time in. but the funny thing is that it seams like once school is done and they no longer have to talk to u or be associated with u they drop the friendship. o well that's life. o another thing, does it really matter when people do nice things for others. for instance being chiverus. is there any gain to it. do the girls like it or do they just use thoes people and then find the rude idiot bruts more of a companion. i don't know any more. i used to thing that doing nice things for other people could make them like u maby just that much more or maby they could throw in a little more apreacion sometimes. but hey to be chiverus u don't care so i don't know why i am complaining. some other thing while i am going. do girls like the nice guy. really i see it always going to the mean ones that capture the spirt of the girls and the nice guys are just used and then put on the side to be called upon when the mean guy does mean things. but is that fair, i think not, but then again why not just become the mean guy. o what else, is it fair that u work harder to be great at something and when u have done your time in putting all your effort in, some person just comes out of no where and is instantly takes the the spot. i don't get it. i worked so hard and did what i was told to do and never got any good job or u are really good. but then people can come from no where and take what they did not work or earn. it just dosn't work in my mind. i know it's not a good thing to have too much pride but when u know u are good at something why don't u get recognized. but the second a undeserving person comes in they get acclaimes and accomplishments and then get what u worked harder for. is that fair? because i sure can't see it as being fair. but maby that because i am not great. maby thats the whole problem. do i give my self more credit then i deserve. should i not be confident with what i do, or should i just subside and do what the other weak "singers" do. give no effort, don't try, and hay maby that will work for me. it worked for the other two. should i have gotten it i think yes but that wouln't change any thing. wow that was a load off, to bad it was just the tip of the iceburg..... i am not looking for, how to say,"pity" i want understanding. i want to know why the system is not followed by the way that he said it had to be done. i don't get it. but hey, maby thats my own fault.
remember for ever

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