Aug 03, 2006 02:24
once again, i dont care.
i hate writing in this thing
i have nothing to say anymore cause i don't care for people to know my thoughts
i dont even want to know my thoughts
i have been involved with a lot of immature people as of late.
this is why i don't like to talk to anyone or have friends.
it cuts out a lot of drama and bullshit.
i can't even really think anymore.
i haven't felt good all day due to being highly drunk last night. this hangover sucked.
i have an interview today, at 10 am. woo.
i need to get to bed.
on a side note. i will say that it bugs me when people say they want things honest and open yet can't be those things them self. It's a two way street. why should i have to be honest and open about things then?
i want true friendships, and that seems like its too much to ask.
i rather like being alone. not knowing people. cause i really don't know anyone. we wont know anyone. i dont know why we bother to try.
i'm not being pessimistic. I am being realistic.
i care about certain people but its not enough to matter. they dont want me to care about them they want other people to care about them. so one day when these people wont care about them anymore, they wont have me to fall back on.. cause i wont care anymore.
i'm through caring.. about people who don't really care about me that is.
maybe this doesn't make sense to you
but its how i feel.
i don't even know what i care about anymore.
still trying to figure that out.
or who even.
which is sad. =/