Well Jessica and I were at work today and we were talking about Pastor Alex and Jen. It broke our heart s to hear about what someone said about him in their LJ.
For me him taking over high impact was the best thing that has happened to me, and such an answer to prayer. I feel that Alex was placed in my life for a reason, and I feel as though both him and Jen have played such huge roles in my life. I know I have shared with Alex how much he has impacted me…but I don’t think I will ever be able to express how much he has changed me. I owe so much of who I have become, and how much I have grown to him. He has taught me to love people to matter what. To live your life for Jesus all the time, and that God has HUGE plans for everyone life. He has been an encouragement to me, and such an incredible role model. I hope that I will accomplish even half of what he has in his life. I respect him as a husband, father, man, but mostly as my pastor.
::Alex, I want you to know that those aren’t empty words. I feel honored to have you as my pastor. You have helped shape me into the young woman that I am, and you have given me an excitement about Jesus. You have opened my eyes to so much about myself and about God. You have given me so much opportunity and respect. You have never judged me for my past, but helped me plan out my future so that I become everything that God has destined me to become. I love you and Jen so much, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not praying for you, and thanking Jesus that you are in my life! Thank you for being who you are and for ALWAYS looking out for me, and caring for me like you do! J::
Love Always,
Katy J
I still remember the day I found out that Alex and Jen Michel were going to be pastoring HI like it was yesterday. Somehow Katy found out the great news and called me..We both just cried our eyes out..Of course they were tears of joy!! Another day I remember so well was the day I met Alex and Jen, which were on two separate occasions .I had no idea they were married…I was still new to church. Well my first event at church was a Wise Woman Retreat where I met Jen.This was also the same place I met Katy…I had no idea that this weekend I would be walking away with two of the most amazing ladies in my life. The day I met Alex was a day at the beach with High Impact and we had to go up to someone we didn’t know and introduce ourselves to them. Alex came up to me and that was the start to an awesome relationship. These two people have impacted my life in such a way that there aren’t words to describe it. Alex and Jen have helped me through so much in my walk with the Lord and have had a huge part in where I am now. The Lord defiantly had a plan for me and once I started to let Him lead people like Jen and Alex blessed my life. They have both individually helped me through a lot and have been there for me every step of the way. High Impact could not have asked for more. The Lord defiantly uses Alex for His advantage in furthering kingdom of heaven and boy or we lucky to have him as our pastor. I have gotten the privilege of not only being a student in High Impact but now a Youth Worker and its because of the Michel’s and their faith in me that I can now try and help others the way they have helped me. Jen is an amazing role model and I look up to her in so many ways. She is a perfect example of a Godly woman I can only pray to become one day. And Alex is someone that I admire and love so much. He is like a second dad to me and I cherish him as my pastor and a father figure. I thank God so much for these two people and I hope you all can appreciate your pastors as much as Katy and me do. The Michel’s are two of the coolest people ever. We have had some good times with them…*Summer Camps*Winter Camps*WOW JAM LA*“ManBag”*Servant Leaders*Surf Camp*Youth Worker Meetings and Retreat*Spending the night at their house and staying up all night*Summer Internship*Just Hanging out*Christmas Café*Looking at pictures of Alex and Jen in High School…of those of you who don’t know Alex had a Mullet!!!! *And all the other fun times…but not to forget all the serious talks with them too…they can be serious when needed but down to earth at the same time. Pretty much they are the coolest people ever…and I don’t think I tell them enough…
Jen and Alex, thank you so much for everything you have done in my life. Jen, for helping my with my self-image and showing me how to be an incredible woman of God. You always have the right advise to give and you were there for me when I needed a motherly figure in my life. You have always been so honest and upfront and I appreciate that! You are the woman I hope I can be one day! Alex, what can I say…you have been nothing but wonderful to me. I can’t believe how far I have come since that first day I met you and it’s because of you and Jen and the Lord of course that I am who I am today. I was a confused broken girl with no self worth but you loved me for who I was, mistakes, past and all. You never put me down and I thank you so much for always encouraging me. Thanks a bunch for helping me stay straight with the Lord and making me realize that I have a future in Him and only Him. This world has nothing to offer…only the Lord can fill the void I had inside. Thanks for guiding me to Him by just living your lives for Him. I love you both with all my heart.
-Love Always, Jessica