thanks sarah it looks great=)

Feb 05, 2005 12:15

well i will start with the weekend
firday- i went to school basketball practice yeah that was okay than olivia calls and goes lauren u wanna sleep overr so of coarse i said yesss so i got there and we waited for jaclyn and lyndesy to get there and we ordered pizza and hug out adn around 11ish we went toliet papering ahah it was so much fun we got these huge roles theey looked liek toliet paper but they wre hadn towls you use at teh golf coarse adn tehy were huge so we all took one and walked all the way across teh golf coarse and had to dodge a few cars we got tommys house than brittnayys they wre so good butt we deicded we need more so we walked all the way back to teh golf coarse than we said we were gonna sneek a golf cartt cause olivas partents went some where the whole night so were by our self the whole nihgt=) so we searched her whole house for some golf cart keys since senicas golf coarse want opend so we found one and loadd up on toliet paper than we had to likee be quit it was so funny cause we would get in so much trouble if they cauhgt us so we got brittnays so goodd and tahn we seen a light on it so we go shit and ran and forgot about the golf cart it was funnyy than we had to get it and ride and we went to tommys house got it even betterr thann we ran out so aroudn 12 ishh we went to her house talked for a whilee than went upstiars and feel asleep around 2

saturday- i woke up olivas parents came home so than grace cmae and we all went to fox valley it was funn i got some stuff but i only had 100 dollars so i got like really not that muchh but o well it was funn so we got ther at like 11 and went to hollister abercrombiee american eaglee than we went in hot topic since its liek gothh aha and this freaky ladyy come it and ran into jaclyn she jumped so high it ws funny tahnw e went to olivie gardenn and ate thant was good and than i went to olivas got my stuf and came home around 8 i missed softball so taht was good cause i mean its kinda boringg so i went on this put ina movie and feel asleep aroudn 12ishh

sunday-went to ccd than jorie came overr=) i love that girl we have the best times so we tlaked and we went to joy n eds than we had a dance partyy than was funn and we went on this did some more stufff and tahn my mom took her home and i went to batting practice at burgesses thatn was okayyt

p.s.s sarah did my journal doesnt it look great tahnks a bunchh=)
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