(no subject)

Apr 08, 2009 04:19

I've decided to renew this post according to some changes in my life. A little restart with kind of refreshness I would say ;-)
So here I have one hundred facts about myself that just came to my head.

1. I'm wise.
2. I have a difficult nature.
3. I always keep my word.
4. I'll do everything for my intimate persons and near relations.
5. I was brought up by my Mum, aunt and great-grandmother. My relations with my father are very cold and complex.
6. I don't worry about common opinion.
7. I think that frienship between a man and a woman really exists.
8. I can behave as a real stinker.
9. In childhood I dreamt of being an Olympic champion.
10. I'm assured in my potential.
11. If I haven't entered the filological department, I would try to enter the historical one.
12. I want to get my second education on the historical department.
13. I prefer black colour in clothes.
14. I'm fond of high-heeled shoes. And I consider them being realy comfortable.
15. It's difficult for me to speak about my feelings. I lack for words to describe them. But I can invent appropriate images.
16. The main trait of one's character for me is respect for other people.
17. I can cook very good. And I enjoy doing it.
18. I can listen to one song or composition for whole days and even weeks.
19. I enjoy various kinds of music.
20. During 20 years of my life I was absolutely assured in my allergy to nicotine.
21. In love I'm a one-man.
22. I'm very shy meeting people for the first time, although it isn't obvious. But then I begin to be at ease.
23. I can't speak without gesticulation.
24. I iffer to meet very seldom. Even my intimate friends. I have a strange idea that I can distract them.
25. I'm fond of walking.
26. Also I'm fond of going on the train. I find it romantic.
27. I couldn't memorize Yagudin's surname for almost three months, althoug he was my favourite skater.
28. In youth age I dreamt of marrying a sportsman.
29. One a year I obligatory go to the stadium to watch footbal.
30. I'm fong of yellow flowers. Especially I enjoy tulpins, mimosa and roses.
31. I have an allergy to lilies.
32. I want to learn several languages. Swedish is obligatory.
33. English has almost become my second native language. I'm thinking in English. And I can speak English even not noticing this fact.
34. I have a terrible aerophobia.
35. I enjoy travelling by train. I think it is because of the fact I'm travelling this way since early childhood.
36. I like my surname and I'm proud of it.
37. I don't like my natural hair colour because I have a "red" character.
38. I enjoy travelling.
39. I don't like Paris and Venice.
40. I'm afraid of height, dogs, horses, caterpillers.
41. In childhood I had an invisible friend Mike.
42. I have an allergy to aspen down and buds. And my organism tear off milk products.
43. I talk to books, my computer, journalists in TV and to almost everuthing in the world.
44. It's difficult for me to wake up early in the morning.
45. I have vivid dreams.
46. I'm fond of making presents. Especially hand-made.
47. I'm fond of studying.
48. Social activity is one of my leading traits of character.
49. I'm not photogenic.
50. I appreciate serious people who can be funny and funny people who can be serious. I myself is one of that kind.
51. I don't like one's pointing out my mistakes about which I already know.
52. I can't leave a bookshop without buying anything.
53. I'm fond of silver.
54. I always wear one ring on the right ring finger - it is made of white gold.
55. I can't live without wrist-watch. I even sleep with them.
56. I suffer from travel sickness.
57. I enjoy walking when it's snowing.
58. I'm not a very good skater, but I really enjoy skating.
59. Although I was a professional skier I still haven't learnt the freestyle.
60. I have a photo of Alexei Yagudin in my purse.
61. I like ironing and hate washing dishes.
62. I can spent hours in the bathroom. There I read, write, eat, talk over the telephone, listen to the music, etc.
63. I always weep at happy ends of films. And at sorrowfaul too. The same with touching episodes. I weep being happy or being sad. In fact I a big cry-baby indeed.
64. I'm very sentimental.
65. I don't like silence. That's why music or TV is always turned on around me.
66. I get almost mad because of one's stupidity.
67. Friends are the main part of my life.
68. I never take anything standing in the front row in the supermarket.
69. I enjoy cleaning the house at night. And even more than this I enjoy eating at night.
70. I'm fond of my house in the country-side and of taking my friends there.
71. I enjoy knitting and embroidering.
72. I entrust my intution for 200 %. It is what leads my during my life. And it helps me to understand my future relations with people during the first meeting.
73. I have two mottoes: "Never say never" and "Everuthing that happens is for the better".
74. I'm feminist.
75. I have a male way of thinking.
76. I'm rather despotic. There are some spheres of life in which my word must be the only one. And I appreciate only the relations in which my word is significant.
77. I'm undemanding in a material way.
78. I was fond of hares in childhood.
79. I'm a workaholic.
80. I was born in Moscow and live here. But between these two facts I lives in two more towns.
81. In addition to sports I participated in the school of art.
82. I haven't ever seen one of my best friends.
83. I'm a very frank person. Soon after acquaintance I tell one almost everything about me, but seldom become close with people very quick.
84. I love my school and my University and I'm proud of them.
85. I have absolute pitch, but no voice.
86. I'm sure that it is possible to find friends with the help of Internet. I have succeeded in it.
87. It was always more convenient for me to make friends with boys rather than with girls.
88. I have a big family and I love them all.
89. I lived alone for almost a year.
90. At the age oа 11 I began to correspond with one girl. Now we study at the same University and still are friends.
91. Most of my friends are my friends for more then 13 years.
92. I enjoy autumn and winter and don't like spring and summer.
93. I don't like different sweet reductions of my name.
94. I'm fond of visiting exhibitions and museums.
95. I'm fond of photographing.
96. I like verses of Russian poet Esenin. I always can find something close to me at the moment.
97. I enjoy red lipstick. Almost all my lipstick is red.
98. For the first time I was presented with flowers without any special reason last spring.
99. The first things I see in a person are lips and arms.
100. My favourite type of apperiance - blond hair and blue or grey eyes.

about me

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