Jack's application for Crowded Hour - for info

Mar 23, 2009 09:28


Name: Anna
Email: unfeathered72@gmail.com
IM: unfeathered (AIM)
Your LJ: unfeathered



Name: Captain Jack Harkness

Canon: Doctor Who/Torchwood

LJ: forever_jack

Character & Media Information: Jack has a long and complicated history (see the Wiki entry for details) but basically he was born in the 51st Century, became a Time Agent, left the Time Agency, met the Doctor, got made immortal, got left by the Doctor, and lived through 140 years waiting for the Doctor, during which time he joined Torchwood and eventually became head of Torchwood Three in Cardiff.

Jack is warm, compassionate and very, very loyal. He has a huge sense of responsibility for his team, though he's not a particularly effective leader. He can also be extremely cold and ruthless when the situation demands.

Timeline: Post Torchwood S2 and Doctor Who S4


Ticket: The Doctor needs you.

Inventory: Jack travels light. He's just got his wristband and his Webley, and the contents of the pockets of his greatcoat: keys (including his TARDIS key), wallet, handkerchief, a penknife.

Additional Notes: Shipping: erm, this is Jack Harkness. He'll flirt with anybody, though he won't necessarily follow through. I tend to ship Jack/Doctor, but I'm very happy to talk to other players to work out the history between our characters that's not specified by canon.

Role Play Sample:

Sample one (Jack/Ianto)

Sample two (Jack/Master).

(Please bear in mind that the Jack in both of these is a slightly AU Jack - his Doctor came back for him at the Game Station so he hasn't had those 140 years on earth. Also - to avoid confusion! - the Master he's playing with in the second thread is a regeneration past Simm!Master and was being played by Anthony Head at the time we wrote this thread, though he's since regenerated again which is why his default icon is of Gary Oldman!)

If you require something featuring canon!Jack, I've written numerous fics from his POV. Perhaps this one is particularly apt, as it's set immediately after DW S4.
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