Hello, my name is Sam and I'm a Teratophiliac

Nov 16, 2007 01:02

I've decided what I want my first tattoo to be: a leatherface chibi!

^ My friend drew this one on my whiteboard a few weeks ago, in the midst of my obsession. Cowens also found me these cute chibi killers on deviant art, but this one called "Chainsaw Love" is my favorite. I was thinking of basing the tattoo off of it, or contacting the artist to ask her to draw one special for me.

I was really looking forward to not having anything planned for this weekend so I could relax and work on my papers. Then I was asked to help out at a Writer's Conference in town. Damn! Last weekend I was going to relax yet work, too, but I ended up cooking and serving at the International Dinner. I am having a lot of trouble saying no. But I did say I could only work until 12pm on Saturday and that I couldn't work Sunday... so that's a step in the right direction. Yay?

Is it wrong that the last two stories I've turned into Fiction Class utilize the image of a vagina with teeth? Yay Vagina Dentata!


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