App for luceti

Aug 24, 2010 19:54


Name: Rune
Livejournal Username: raining_chairs
AIM/MSN: AIM: ItsRainingChairs
Current Characters at Luceti: Miu Matsuoka im_the_cute_one
Emma Pillsbury couldhavedanced


Name: Etna
Fandom: Disgaea
Gender: Female
Age: 1,473
Time Period: Post Disgaea 2
Wing Color: Dark Purple
For demons, actions speak louder than words. This applies to Etna tremendously. As a demon in Disgaea, Etna is most often tough, rude, mischievous, lazy, and/or manipulative. Despite this, there are many aspects to Etna’s personality. She may be a demon, but she most certainly isn’t evil.

There is that part of Etna, however, that is full of completely undesirable traits. At times, it can be difficult to say anything good about her. She forces her vassals, the Prinnies, to do most (if not all, at times) of her work for her. She resorts to yelling, arguing, or violence quickly, and she isn’t afraid to bring out a weapon (or a myriad of them). She manipulates people into doing things for her, and at one point in Disgaea even manages to double-cross someone who was blackmailing her while using her Prince as bait, earning herself a reputation of being wicked. In Disgaea 2, she shows off her lazy side even more. She doesn’t even give her own nail when asked for it, and she has her Prinnies fight two of her three battles for her. She’s not afraid to insult people or be blunt. She’s also very vain; she considers herself to be sexy, even though she really isn’t (to most people). Just don’t call her flat-chested--you won’t walk away unharmed.

Despite all of these negative character traits, Etna is actually a valuable ally and decent person at times. Instead of just killing Laharl, she intentionally keeps him alive. In the “Etna Mode” of Disgaea DS and PSP, where she actually kills Laharl, she shows great remorse through it throughout the entire saga. She also strongly values her friends, even if she can’t call them that. Especially when it comes to Flonne. In Disgaea, when Flonne dies, Etna is furious. In the anime, she even cries (though the anime is not canon). She even forms a fast friendship with Jennifer. In Disgaea 2, she warms up even further to other people, and she ends up tagging along with Adell, Rozalin, and his company simply because she doesn’t want to go back to Laharl right away (though she claims it’s only to raise her levels, they show her deep respect and puts herself in more danger than she needs to in order to help them). Though she’s quick to anger, she’s slow to kill. I n fact, in order to get Etna to kill the party in Disgaea, a large number of conditions must be met. She also never aims for the vital points during story scenes, and she forces people to submit to her as opposed to actually disposing of them. She’s also extremely skilled at saving money--she has a massive amount of HL in her account. So, in short, despite being a demon, Etna values her friends, shows remorse, and even goes easy on people sometimes. She just can’t show these traits openly--she shows her respect and fondness through actions, except for when Flonne is involved.

She also has a great respect for certain people. Flonne has been mentioned, but she looks up to the former king with such great admiration that she forces Laharl, the new Overlord, to be as much like him as she can. She can also sympathize with people who have shared the same problems she’s had, and she’ll help people if she truly pities them. This is the side of Etna’s that rarely seen--in fact, Laharl and Flonne, her two closest friends might not even understand this side of her completely. She rarely lets anyone know her true feelings, as feelings like this (and those in the aforementioned paragraph) make her appear weak. That doesn’t mean they don’t show, however.

All of the rules, however, go out the window where the Prinnies are involved. Etna shows them no respect; these exploding penguins of the Netherworld are actually souls working hard to redeem themselves for a grave sin they’ve committed. That means they’re at the bottom of the food chain for everyone, and Etna treats them horribly. She uses them as weapons, she uses them as stress relievers, and she even forces them to be her furniture or to carry her around. She forces them to work 20 hour days with no sick leave, vacation time, or any benefits at all. She doesn’t even pay them, she lets Laharl do that for her. They don’t respect her in turn, but they do fear her. Though this likely won’t apply to Luceti, they do bring out a different side of Etna, so I felt it worthy to mention.

Physical: Etna is one of the strongest characters in Disgaea. Though she’s not as strong as the Overlord, with attacks such as Sexy Beam and Chaos Impact, she can attack more than one person at once, and she’s a nightmare when she’s equipped with a spear, axe, or gun. As a demon, she’s also much stronger than a normal human without even trying. There’s no doubt she’d come into Luceti with her abilities nerfed.

Mental: Etna is creative, surprisingly, as she can invent stories out of nowhere. She’s very cunning and devious, and she’s good at being manipulative as well. She’s also good at being thrifty.

Emotional: She’s very difficult to insult; she’s good at laughing things off, except when she’s called flat-chested. She knows how to stand strong when she needs to be.

Physical: Though she’s a demon and a very strong one at that, she’s not as strong as the Overlord, and she has lost fights in the past. She’s also at a disadvantage without her Prinnies, as she uses them to attack. Unlike other demons, she’s not very skilled with magic--though she can use fire and “sexy” magic, she can’t heal herself, nor can she use a wide variety of elements.

Mental: Sometimes, she doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. She’s also not very good at planning 100% of the time. While she’s great at it in Disgaea, she sort of fails at everything she tries in Disgaea 2, which leads up to her losing all of her levels and having to regain them.

Emotional: : She’s very easy to piss off. She can snap at just about anything, and she’s very stubborn. It can take her a long time to get over a simple argument, and she’s slow to really open up or reveal more human emotions to people she doesn’t know well.

Samples (ALL samples must be set in Luceti-verse.)

First Person:
Ugh, I still can’t believe that my wings are all feathery and crap. I mean, come on! I look like an angel. When I get my hands on whoever sent me here, they’re going to regret making that choice. I’ll break every bone in their body! As if they didn’t look stupid enough, I can’t even fly anymore. Yeah, I know most of this information was in that stupid guide you all shoved at me, but, uh, hello? Try shoving me something a little shorter next time. Geesh.

Oh, hey. By the way, if anyone needs work, I’m accepting vassal applications. Let me know if you’re interested.

Third Person:
Etna wanted to make something hurt so badly that she almost couldn’t stand it.

As if waking up in a forest weren’t enough, she also had feathery wings. Feathery wings. So not only was she in some sort of happy fairy tale land, she also looked like she was some-fraction angel. The skies weren’t red, there wasn’t the refreshing scent of zombie flesh, and there were no Prinnies in sight. It was exactly like a demon’s ghost story (which was strangely the same thing as a fairy tale to humans). The forest seemed happy, and it made Etna sick.

She had to punch something.

A tree would suffice. For now. Snarling and extremely pissed off, she punched the tree she had woken up under, leaving a nice-sized dent. She froze in surprise, stammering as she tried to think of what to say. There were several things horribly wrong. Firstly, the tree had not exploded into sawdust, nor had it burst into flames, nor had it been uprooted by the punch and sent flying so far that she couldn’t see it anymore. All of these would have been acceptable outcomes, and in reality, those were the only problems.

“I can’t believe it! Who took my levels again?! Ooh, they‘re going to get it!”

The rage she felt was almost refreshing, considering how much she already decided she hated the place. She could feel her fiery, bright orange aura building up around her as she cracked her knuckles. The demon was already deciding just how badly she was going to hurt whoever had summoned her this time. “First I’m going to---ooh, and then I’m going to…right in their face…,” she mumbled.

The grass sizzled beneath her as she started to walk away from the tree she had just punched. She failed to notice the barcode or anything else about her situation, she was that upset. She also failed to notice the journal lying open on the ground next to her, picking up every complaint and threat she was uttering…
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