Apr 11, 2004 17:27
I have been disappointed by to 2 people i hold dearly... these ppl did something that 1 swore they were off and the other swore would never touch... HOW HARD IS IT TO KEEP A PROMISE TARAN???
last nite i was left to "look after" ash's house whilst she went off after her bf who left. Her lil sister was off doing sumthing else... leaving me to watch the remaining ppl and clean up. NOT COOL... i did it because ash was there for me the other day when i needed her...
needless to say i didnt have much of a time at ash's but it was alright to get out of the house for a few hours... even if i did want to kick in a few heads...
ash... the talk we had last nite, i appreciated... jhope everything's cool wit u and zac and it's nothing serious.
laterz ppl.