So, it's July already, after the Fourth, and post-graduation life is very boring. With school, there was always something to do, some test to study for, some organization meeting to prepare for, but NOW? Just searching for a job, squandering around the house, and making my big sister wish college lasted FIVE years instead of four is not cutting it for me, so I try to escape by watching more television, but I still need that job. It'll come.
Anyways, I got a laundry list of stuff on my mind (television-related,mostly. Yes, I'm pathetic!):
I have been trying to continue with the first season, and I'm loving what I've seen thus far, especially of these two (check the eye-love in the gif). They're really awesome! I talk to Morgan all the time about the greatness of JJ's ships, and he never steers the love story of his tales in the wrong direction. I hope to grow into my P/O shipper shoes before S3. The show itself is just incredible, every episode is of high quality, but I know that S2 will knock my socks off.
This might come as a shock to one of my friends, but I REALLY tried to hold on. the Lord knows I did. This has been a long time coming for me. I really don't think I can return for the sixth season, if there IS a sixth season, because I just don't care about Booth and Brennan getting together anymore. I could care less if they get together, which probably will happen sometime down the line. I feel like Hart made a grave mistake with making Booth put himself out there so honestly with his feelings for her, only to have Brennan outright reject him (and yes, I'm being a bit harsh, but that's exactly what she did, all the while subjecting him to her presence by asking him to continue to be her partner...Whaaaa?). How am I supposed to root for that?
She's not ready for what he's offering (which is everything that a romantic relationship should be), I get that, I do, but couldn't she have alluded to that before he opened his mouth, waiting like a little puppy dog for her to say NO? UGH. Just...UGH. You would think that some wide and overarching circumstance such as Craphole Island, a majorly obvious triangle (that ends just as obviously) or huge destinies about getting a mother to her son and saving all of fuckin' humanity were keeping them apart. Nope. Not even close. Just Bren's fear of feeling anything REAL. PFFFFT.
Seeley Booth, I will always love you. He may be the reason why I change my mind about this show, but even he's not giving me enough of that brilliant personality to go on anymore. It's like the writers forgot about the fact that this guy can be fun and IS fun. They forgot that this SHOW can be fun, and it's not anymore. Also, the character of Temperance Brennan has been drastically unbelievable for me, for the past two seasons now. She takes two steps forward in one episode and then four steps backwards in the next. It's getting ridiculous. I'm quite tired of watching her ping-pong between growth and regression. It's getting to be a plot tactic and not a facet of the character herself.
They're still SO CUTE to me (especially in that gif!), but yeah, I don't think I care anymore past what I loved about them from S1-4. Booth can find some nice girl in Iraq and move on and Bren can eventually "get IT" and then go to him and have this lovely moment of realization and at this point, I still wouldn't care. It saddens me to admit that. I don't want to give up, but I think I did a long time ago, and didn't realize it, didn't want it to be the truth. It could turn around for B/B, but yeah, I don't know how I fit into it all anymore.
These are just my opinions, please feel free to disagree. I won't bite. I never do.
3. GLEE: Don't Stop Believin'!
I LOOOOOVE Glee. I just do. I have been watching from the very beginning (there's only one season so far, but if you haven't caught onto it yet, please do!), but never truly caught on to how much I love this show until I had to wait four months for it to come back. And yeah, Finn, my favorite character, finally got his act together and went after what he knew he always wanted: Rachel. Finnachel FTW. The S1 Finale...AHHH. The kiss from Rachel was awesome, the ILY from Finn was fantastic. I can't wait for S2!
4. WAREHOUSE 13: Cable Gem!
Okay, I just caught into this one about two days ago. Yeah, I KNOW! It's on the SyFy channel and it's about two secret service agents that have to travel around the world to retrieve ancient artifacts that are dangerous to national security and store them in a warehouse. It's more adventurous than it sounds. It's a fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously at times. Don't get me wrong, there are some heavy moments, but it's a cute show that I have been trying to find more of online.
Oh yeah, and the two in the gif: Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering. They're awesome together. As partners, and erm, potentially more.
5. LOST: Yep, still on my mind!
JATE, why is this obsession lasting way over its due-date? I don't think I'll ever get over you. Neva. Eva. And that's okay. You're worth it!
Laterz: My med school plans keep changing! Grrr!