But you're title list is incomplete, where's Zelda: Twilight Princess? I just finished it this weekend...so full of goodness. Raving Rabbids is a blast as well.
Z:TP is quite possibly the best Action/Adventure/Fantasy game I've ever played. I've only taken the time to beat a handful of games in my 30 something years...and I really mean only a handful. This was one of the best of those (does that make it the best of the best...maybe). You do not have to have played any of the other Zelda games to enjoy, it's a fully contained game within itself (as are all Zelda games more or less).
But you're title list is incomplete, where's Zelda: Twilight Princess? I just finished it this weekend...so full of goodness. Raving Rabbids is a blast as well.
My console number is 6005 4746 7669 7924
As for Zelda, I've never played any of the Zelda games, actually. So it wasn't one of the first titles I grabbed.
Arin's is 6064 8327 3528 5128 if you ever feel like having 9484984 Mii's. ;D
Also...Mii's inbound!
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