First Songfic

Apr 07, 2007 08:33

Kay this is my first attempt at a songfic. I am aware of the chances of it sucking are extremely high. Please read and response and tell me how to get better! Okay, here we go... (oh and its Bella and Edwards point of view, so thats whwat the B's and E's are for :D) 
Spoilers: New Moon

Song: Time Stands Still by The All-American Rejects

I knew what he was about to say, I could feel it.

Him and her
Life is turned

B: "Bella," he said in a voice as stone cold as his body. "I don't want you to come with me. You're not good for me"

The day I knew you would leave
I can barely breathe

B: Then it hit me. I had always known this would happen. He had no idea how well I knew that I wasn't good enough for him

Can you hear me scream?

B: Then, he left, taking my heart with him and leaving a ghastly hole in my chest.

Thrown in all directions
You epitome of perfection

B: "He's gone." was all I could murmer when Charlie found me abandoned in the forest.

She's lost her will
(She's lost her will)
Time is standing still

B: From then on, I wouldn't do anything that reminded me of him.

He walks her home
Now he walks alone

E: I felt horrible for what I did, but what else could've I done? If I stayed she would be in more danger than ever.

The days they turn into years
The eyes they drown in tears

E: I could hardly stand it, feeling so alone. While staring out at the setting sun I remembered the time in the meadow.

Can you hear me scream?
Thrown in all directions
You epitome of perfection

E: Her smile, her laugh, the way she smelled in the rain. They all came rushing back to me now. I would have to live with the memory of hurting her for eternity.

She's lost her will
(She's lost her will)
Time is standing still
The way we are
The way we were
(It's just a shadow of what's wrong)

B: A zombie. Thats exactly what I was. I tried to act normal for Charlie, but i could see that it wasn't working.

The time with you
The time is stirred
(I love you for so long)

B: My friends were concerned, but eventually they stopped calling.

The hearts they turn
They turn away
(She says to go, please don't you cry)

B: All was lost. The truest of true loves. Would I ever get over him?

Love lost was found
Night turns to day

E: Then I got the call. It was Rosalie. The only words I heard were "Bella jumped off a cliff.".

Thrown in all directions
You epitome of perfection
She's lost her will
Time is standing still

E: I couldn't believe it. I tossed my phone in a garbage can and sped to the airport.

Thrown in all directions
You epitome of perfection
She's lost her will
(She's lost her will)
Time is standing still
Time is standing still

E: I stepped off the plane with only one thing on my mind. Seeing her beautiful face again.
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