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bzoink!General InformationState your full name.Morgan Alexandra HolligerDo you like your name?Psh...noIf you could change it, would you, and to what?Chanel Adora Faye....I know lovely nameTell me your age.Shutup idiotRelationships/LoveWhat do you want your wedding to be like?Umm....sweetTell me the perfect setting for when you have sex.Ummm...Have you ever been in love?NoAre you in love?NoYour opinionsRock music is..GreatPop music is..GreatYour thoughts on anarchyWell...I guess if your not harming anyone/thing.Do you believe in God?YesFavoritesType of musicBroadway, vocal, 80s metal/metal, soul, rockBandGuns N RosesFoodSalad..hahaThing to doPerform(as in singing, or acting, or dancing)Thing to sayPshh...Person to talk toAlicia...we have some pretty deep conversations....some pretty messed up conversations.Subject in schoolChoirParentBothColor, and whyRose Pink...because its pretty, yet passionateAuthorHmmm...BookToo manyCandyJolly RancherLast, just random questions and things about you.Do you like yourself?YeahWhat do you like about yourself?I dont know I just like myself....why wouldnt I?...But actually I do like my voice.What dont you like about yourself?Im a little too weird.Can you play any instruments?My voice.Are you depressed?NoHave you ever been suicidal?noDo you do drugs?NODo you drink alcohol?NoDo you miss anyone right now? Who?Alicia...duhWhat do you want to do with your life?I want to become I Broadway actress, travel Europe but above all be happy.What's something you know you want to accomplish before you die?Be on broadwayDo you think that I love you?Ofcourse.You best, because I do.
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