(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 16:20

Just a lil while ago, as Kevin and I were driving by the UC, we spotted Nadeem. I told Kev to stop his car, got out, n I hugged him. It seemed like he didn't wanna talk to me. I don't think he likes me very much. I don't blame him. I did break the guy's heart but I didn't mean to. Really. I just felt that my heart was still holding onto someone else. I couldn't tell Nadeem this. My heart never really healed so I wasn't able to...ehh, why am I even talking about this?! :-( Why can't we just be friends like he said we would be? Isn't that what they(the guys I date) all say?

Anyways, what else did I do today? Went to class, felt like a dumass, got out n called Col. Kevin n Col picked me up from school n we went to Fuddruckers to eat. Good food. Darn it! I never got to see Col's tattoo.

So far this week's been great. I have 5 classes:
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish 2 -- I didn't think it'd be so hard. I forgot a lot of stuff from last semester and I'm very lost in this class.
SOC 442: Sociology of Work -- One of my fav professors, Dr. Shernoff, is teaching this class so obviously I like it. Lotsa writing which I expected but I don't mind it. Lotsa reading but the books are really cheap so that makes me happy.
SOC 308: Sociological Theory -- One class that I'm nervous about. 1/3 of the grade is based on your participation and I'm not good at spitting out answers. It's a huge class, about 75% of the students there are about 30-50 yrs olds. Prof. Bjorn is a very nice guy and has a sweet accent. But I'm still scared.
HUM 201: Religions of the World -- As if I didn't know enough about religions already. I have to take this class to fullfill my distribution requirement. At first I was thinking about not going but I'm glad I did. Prof. Burks is a new professor at UMD and he's awesome! A very funny guy. He also started out by telling us his whole life story so that we can understand where he's coming from and why he sees things the way he does. The class will require a lot of work but it'll be fun. I'm juss not sure if I should take it as a PASS/FAIL.
SOC 445: The Family -- Didn't go to this class yet.

Yesterday was Eid #2 and I didn't get to really celebrate it. I had to go to class and do the laundry. Mom cooked some food though. No one came. No one was home. Anyways, Eid Mubarak!
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