Tangled up in Ron

Jan 02, 2008 22:38

Sometimes Harry wakes to find himself clutched tightly to his partner’s chest, a blurry field of freckles and sparse red hair filling his sight.  Other times he wakes buried under draped arms and legs that are no longer gawky but strong.  One way or another he wakes tangled up with Ron.

On weekdays it’s fine, lying there for a few minutes warm and comforted, knowing he can let Ron sleep a bit longer before they need to rush off to the Ministry.  Sundays are better, waking Ron with a caress and knowing they won’t leave the bed until it’s time to head off to the Burrow for supper.  But Saturday mornings are tortures.

Friday nights are pub nights.  Auror training taught them that Ron can out lift, out run, and out fight Harry.  They knew from Hogwarts that Harry would always be able to out fly and out duel Ron.  But the question of who holds their drink better remains open, and George and Seamus are leading a weekly quest to discovering the answer.

Being twisted into the covers and trapped under Ron isn’t warm, comforting, or sexy when one needs the loo that badly.  Most times trying to escape a semi-conscious Ron is like wrestling with devil’s snare.  But when Ron’s awake, it’s even worse.  With the bladder capacity of the youngest son of a one bathroom family, Ron finds Harry’s dilemma funny.

Sometimes Harry says, “If you weren’t so much bigger than me.”  Other times he snarls, “Wait till I find my wand.”  Once it was simply, “Don’t make me tell your mum!”  But he always means, If I didn’t love you so much…

pg, harry/ron

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