♎ W1TCH: R3S3T

Dec 21, 2011 01:17

[As the week has worn on, Terezi has, like every other non-erased character, forgotten almost everything about those who chose to erase themselves. This has changed her entirely.

On this morning, the overtaking of her memory is fully complete, and Terezi Pyrope wakes up sighted, with perfectly functioning eyes, and she finds nothing wrong with that- she has, after all, had perfect vision her entire life. If one were to propose the idea of ever having been blind to her, she would laugh in their face.

At first, Terezi seems like her usual self, aside from the change in her vision. She wears the same feral-looking grin plastered across her face, and she still laughs with a wild and alarming frequency. But it's the subtle things that seem a little strange at first- the way her gaze lingers on things as if drinking them in, the way her stance always seems to be on-guard and defensive. Now and then she will stop smiling entirely, and that is the most unsettling change of all.]

( phone )

[Terezi talks in a cheerful way, sounding as though she's been having a good day.]

How does one go about preserving the color of human blood~? It is just the loveliest most disgusting bright red when it comes out, but once I'm finished with it it starts to turn this awful shade of brown.

[There's a thud sound in the background.] I grow very tired with the lack of selection here.

( phone; filtered to gamzee makara )

Mm, Gamzee! Would you belieeeeeve me if I told you that there were other trolls here? I saw a few at the schoolhive today.

[Sweetly:] I wonder what color their blood is?

[ooc; all replies will come from lynches. a general info post for this event and how it effects the non-erased trolls can be found here.]
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