Apr 13, 2013 01:57


Terezi is blind, but she was taught how to 'see' by her dragon lusus, who showed her through dreams how to experience the world around her in the same way a dragon would, by tasting and smelling things.

This means that Terezi associates certain smells, tastes, and colors with pretty much everything around her. These sensations form a blurry vision in her mind, enabling her to 'see'. Essentially this means that Terezi (even before her blindness) has very little regard for personal space! She has no qualms about going right up to other characters and sniffing or licking them, and she'll comment on what she smells/tastes. These sensations help her identify people. It's also how she reads and views things like computer monitors, by licking the surface of the object directly. Basically, she can taste your character, and they don't taste like chicken. They can taste like anything, from cotton candy to gasoline to cherry cough syrup. The tastes aren't supposed to make much sense to anyone but Terezi.

Terezi is also able to pick up on certain aspects of others that aren't visible on the surface- she can sniff out things that are normally covered up, like Dave's eye color behind his sunglasses and Karkat's carefully guarded blood color beneath his skin. She's also sometimes able to detect the true emotions and feelings of the person she's talking to based on their scent- for example, she may be aware that your character is feeling uneasy but attempting not to let it show. She can also sometimes tell if someone is lying to her- to Terezi, deceit smells pretty strong (at times) and unpleasant (pretty much always). When it comes to lies, the scent starts off subtle, and Terezi might miss it. But if the person lying to her continues to tell lies, the odor builds up and gets stronger, and she'll likely pick up on it.

Keeping all of that in mind, I would really appreciate it if you could fill out this permission form for your characters! This ensures that Terezi will pick up on the taste/smell/color that you prefer for your character, and it'll let me know if I should block off her ability to sniff out further hidden information or tell if your character is lying. Keep in mind that her invasive abilities aren't all that extreme, and she's not a mind reader or anything. She's also not impossible to lie to, either. (Well, as the Seer of Mind she does another thing entirely, but that's a whole other set of permissions we're not going to get into here.)

For colors, please give me as specific a shade as you can for your character! Terezi's able to pick up on very subtle hues. If you don't have knowledge of an image editing software where you can look at color hex codes, please go here or here and pick one out! If another character already has the same color as yours, that's okay- some characters have scents/shades in common with one another. You are also free to make up ridiculous names for colors/tastes/scents, such as renaming 'hot pink' to 'amazingly tart raspberry explosion'.

For scents and tastes, the weirder the better. It should also have some sort of connection to your character, however vague or blatantly obvious. For example, if your character grew up on a strawberry farm, they probably smell or taste like strawberries to her. If they wear a lot of purple, they might smell like grape. If they have a dark, artsy kind of personality, maybe they taste like ink and Team Edward. Who knows! It's up to you.

Example here.
Character name:
Associated color: Name of color
Associated smell and taste:
Can Terezi pick up on things that aren't visible on your character's surface?
If 'yes' to the above, what could Terezi pick up on that wouldn't be obvious about your character, physically or mentally?
Can Terezi sniff out when your character is lying?



Aradia Megido: Dust and cranberries, ticking clocks and quartz.

Bro Strider: Steel, sick fires and the aforementioned rumpage. In more literal terms- felt, steel, and semi-burnt rubber.

Davesprite: Orange creamsicles, Sburb data.

Dave Strider: Hard cherry candy. Cool. So cool.

Disciple: Tastes like devotion with hints of fur; smells like well loved books.

Doc Scratch: Vanilla milkshake NATURALLY!! He also has a noxious, poisonous underlying scent that makes her a little bit sick.

Equius Zahhak: SWEAT... the sweat almost overpowers his other scents/tastes (milk and horses).

Eridan Ampora: Grape, possibly raspberry-ish. Also fish and the smell of unrequited love and crushed dreams.

Feferi Peixes: Sea salt, fish, and some sort of impossibly sweet nectar.

Gamzee Makara: Grape jelly, sopor (when he's stoned, at least), and miracles. A faint hint of blood and madness lately, too.

Jade Harley: She smells like flowers. For taste, she's basically delicious fruit salad.

John Egbert: GUSHERS... Gushers and cake and derp. Is derp a flavor? It is now.

Kanaya Maryam: Mint. As a rainbow drinker, she smells 'bright'; I assume this to mean that her scent is very strong and clean/pure.

Karkat Vantas: Dirty pavement (grey) and cherry cough syrup (his blood). Also terrible romantic movies. There's a bittersweetness to his scent and taste.

Marquise Spinneret Mindfang: Assumably like Vriska, with a sharper taste/smell of blood. Also, old books.

Nepeta Leijon: Catnip and cameowmile tea.

Rose Lalonde: Lavender with a hint of something stronger and darker and much more bitter underneath.

Signless: Smells like outdoors (camp fire, dirt, trees) and tastes like cherries just like Karkat.

Sollux Captor: Mustard for his blood; appleberry blast for his eyes. Since going blind, the appleberry blast has faded away. So sad.

Tavros Nitram: Chocolate, also being a big gross loser.

Terezi Pyrope: SO MUCH JUSTICE and a hint of dragonyness (scales, fire), cherry red eyes/glasses.

Vriska Serket: Blueberries. She smells like adventure and tastes like blood. In God Tier mode, her orange outfit apparently smells delicious.


Aaron Taylor: Smells like wet dog, tastes like oil, metal, fur, and ghosts.

Accelerator: Blood and coffee.

Ai: Smells of smoke, revenge and cherry blossoms and tastes of hell fire, cherries and hatred.

Aigis: She smells like metal and insecurities. Once she regains her robot body it should become a lot more obvious.

Alexander the Great ("Rider"): Alcohol. Also, probably tastes like cinnamon. I mean that's like the king of overpowering smells.

America: Apple pie and fast food grease.

Ami Kawashima: Smells strongly of Burberry perfume, very slightly like the ocean; tastes like soda candy and unrequited love.

Annie Goldstein: Smells like wet dog and moonlight. Tastes like silver, blood, and cigarettes.

Applejack: Apples, apples, and more apples. It's pretty overpowering, but there's some stuff under that. The leather of her hat, sweat and dirt from hard work, and a bit of an earthy smell too. Salt of the earth, that's Applejack for you.

April Sinclair: The outdoors, alcohol and gunpowder.

Asagami Fujino: Blood and wisteria

Balin Wilbur: Smells like ozone, since most of his Logos Abilities ionize the atmosphere (his nuclear-based attacks, and the Recruit ability Lightning). Probably tastes like traces of chemicals used in explosives (not like gunpowder or cordite, mind you).

Bang Shishigami: Sweat. Sweat. More sweat. Also the burning passion for LOVE AND JUSTICE! Which oddly enough, tastes like bell peppers.

Bart Allen (Impulse): Tastes like comic books, video games, and speed. Smells like pizza.

Bernkastel: Tastes and smells like Bernkastel wine.

BLU Spy: Smells like cigarettes. Tastes like a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, lovingly sprinkled with intrigue, express mailed to Mystery, Alaska.

Buffy Summers: She smells like blood. Strange, mystical blood, and a lot of it. Only close inspection reveals other details, like wood, a touch of silver, and a sense of purpose.

Bugs Bunny: Smells like ink, tastes like carrots, fluff, and comedy.

Cable: Really metallic taste, and he smells like UNREALISTIC HOPES.

Caesar Silverberg: Smells and tastes like paper and fire, whichever works best in whichever spot.

Calleo Crowe: Smells like cold mountain air; tastes like Italian soda.

Charles Fei-Ong: Smells like roses, tastes like iron and grape or blueberry candy. Or just way too much sugar in general.

Claire Stanfield: Smells like blood and tastes probably like iron and wine.

Clover Duck: Smells oddly like wet dog fur, and a lot like Summer. Tastes like FIERY HEADSTRONGNESS.

Cuba: Smells like Cuban cigars, beaches and the ocean. Tastes like independence, icecream and hatred of America. (Yes that is a flavour)

Dakki Sigal: Fresh cut grass, industrial lubricant, that tingly feeling when you lick a battery.

Daniel Chroma: Ink! And lots of it. Also a slight fishy scent and FEAR. SO MUCH FEAR.

Deadpool: Gunpowder, katana oil, and usually other people's blood.

Death: Smells like sand, cats and the end of the line. Tastes like death, curry and curiosity.

Dexter: Metal and SCIENCE! Tastes kind of like a mixture of that, waffles, and cheese omelets.

Diamond: Smells like fresh, crisp winter air. Tastes like berries.

Diarmuid ua Duibhne Zero Lancer: Smells gamey and rustic with a hint of Irish beer. Tastes like wild boar.

Diana Ethelbert: Metal with an old book smell added in. She tastes like Earl Grey tea.

Dick Gumshoe: Smells like cocktail wieners and defeat, tastes like thousands of cups of noodles

Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Bratwurst and ozone.

Edward Nigma: Smells like cologne, smoke and mystery. Tastes like shame.

Euphemia li Britannia: Her hair smells and tastes like cotton candy! The rest of her smells like idealism and compassion, and tastes like a strawberry crêpe.

Falk Gatt: Smells like a new car's interior on the prarie. Tastes like beef jerky-flavored Perori Mate.

Fluttershy: She smells of daisies, buttercups, and baby bird feathers. She tastes of cream.

Fujiwara no Mokou: Ashes/burnt things and blood.

Garviel Loken: He smells of soap and scented oils, as well as water. Also faintly of boltgun propellant and a faint tinge of blood.

GLaDOS (Caroline): Smells like neurotoxin, stale air and science. Tastes like science, potatoes and murder.

Grimsley: Alcohol, smoky bars, and cheap wine.

Hal Jordan/Green Lantern: Vintage leather, jet fuel and crisp ozone, like the air after a lightning storm. Tastes like the color green and DETERMINATION.

Harley Quinn: Smells like greasepaint and hyenaa, tastes like insanity, love and laughter.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: Dragons, metal, and fire.

Hilda: High-tech cities.

Hungary: Smells like geranium and tastes of cinnamon and paprika.

Iceland: Smells like white dryas and tastes like cod, but both are overlaid with an ice and snow scent/taste.

Ilsa Higa: Latin spices.

Ise Nanao: Mulberry pop candy, old paper, fireworks and white light.

Izayoi Sakuya: Smells like a bit of starch, sweets baking, and a little bit of blood. Tastes pretty much the same!

Izumo Kamiki: Smells like bamf foxes and girly perfume (lilac and poodles??) and tastes like evening calm and new clothes.

Jane Barton: Smells like pine trees, tastes like coal. Will not smell or taste like anything if she loses her soul again.

Johan Liebert: Smells like trickery, betrayal and death, tastes like blood, suffering, pain and self hatred.

Jormungandr: Being the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr will smell and taste like fish and the stinging salt of the ocean. Almost exclusively.

Kanji Tatsumi: Smells like ozone, tastes like cake. Ridiculously sweet cake.

Kara In-Ze/Supergirl: Tastes like hot, bright sunlight, smells like clean air and a muted hint of space dust.

Karen Pelly: Smells like prairies, ill-fitting police uniforms and food. Tastes like wanted respect and gum.

Ken Hidaka: Stereotypical park smell and blood.

Klaus Wulfenbach: Insanity and lots and lots of stainless steel. A faint hint of brains (BRAINS ARE A SMELL AND TASTE OKAY).

Koharu Izaki: Cream puff with plum syrup.

Kotomi Ichinose: Old books and dust.

Kuyou Suou: Plastic and rain.

Lancer: Blood, alcohol, possibly fire.

Lan Fan: Smells and tastes like cold rice.

Lil Slugger: Smoke and metal with a suspicious trace of pink bubble-gum.

Lithuania: Rue and rye.

Loki Laufeyjarson: He smells and tastes like campfire smoke, honey, and lies.

Lucas: The fresh scent of cut flowers and spring mornings. Afterflavors include the iron tang of blood and the salt of bitter tears.

Lucius: Smells like blueberries, tastes like a mixture of that and hot sauce. All the spices from Rizelea's cooking will do that to you.

Luke Triton: Smells like tea leaves, tastes like blueberries

Lust: She smells like perfume and tastes like red wine that seems to be tainted with a noticeable amount of blood.

Lyon: Smells like freshly fallen summer rain, tastes like steel.

Lyra Bark: Smells like the outdoors, with a healthy mix of homey scents and just a slight hint of hard-won battles. Tastes like berries.

Madame Foster: Cookies, black licorice, violet candy, adventure, imagination, mischief.

Madeline: Smells like a book in an old house, tastes like bread and butter

Mae: Smells like guns, wasteland and blood. Tastes like hope, guilt, radiation and water.

Mao: Smells like he spent a long time in a lab and only just came out, with chemicals clinging to him and giving off an unpleasant odor, but tempered by a dose of FRIENDSHIP and COMIC BOOKS. Tastes like hard-fought battles, tears and determination.

Martha Jones: A bit of chocolate, dull red leather, timey-wimey stuff, and hospital disinfectant.

Mayfield NPC Drones: Bland, grey neutral/'nothing' taste, but with an underlying flavor of blood- and only the bitter copper taste of it, none of the fun red flavor.

Megamind: Leather and bitterness with a hint of sweet sugary-ness underneath.

Merlin: Smells like fire and old books, tastes like soapsuds and forced servitude.

Miku Hatsune: Smells like leeks and a touch of metal, and she tastes like a pleasant mix of fruits and vegetables (although leeks win out over it).

Minato Arisato: He's a strange sort of flavor. He tastes like nothing and everything at the same time. A true mystery flavor. But his hair sticks out as a tasty blueberry, and his eyes an ashen grey.

Musashi: Sakura, steel and gunpowder. She tastes of sweet rice.

Murdoc Niccals: Smells like 20000 armpits, tastes like a sewage.

Myougi: Tastes/smells mostly like sweet, fruity things, with a slight undertone of tartness. The taste of green apples is particularly strong.

Naze Youka: Licorice and icing.

Negi Springfield: Smells like dried tears and blood, but is overwhelmed by a desire to protect those in his class with a hint of darkness. Tastes like lukewarm tea that needs to be warmed to be truly enjoyed.

Nena Trinity: Charred bodies for smell, but she tastes like strawberry cupcakes.

Nia Teppelin: Smells like flowers and sugar. Tastes like sweet cake with a bitter aftertaste.

Nina Fortner: A lovely spring morning! But there's just a hint of something nasty and violent (blood or gunpowder?) that kind of ruins it. There's a very light whiff of roses, too, independent from the general nice morning smell/taste.

Niou Masaharu: Trickery and deceptiveness, mystery-flavored things.

Norway: Smells like nature, specifically mountains and trees, with a hint of magic. Tastes like the sea and fish.

Pinkie Pie: PARTIES, cupcakes and sprinkles and helium.

Quinn Hatch: Smells like metal, tastes like cigarettes.

Rainbow Dash: Smells like rain, tastes very spicy.

Rarity: Rarity smells like expensive perfume and tastes like fancy herbal tea, though there's also a depth to both that suggests there's more to her under that superifical exterior.

Red Mage: Smells like fresh pencil lead, tastes like plastic polyhedral dice.

RED Sniper: Always smells like the rugged outdoors and gunpowder. Tastes like everything the Sniper's ever eaten.

Remilia Scarlet: Blood and sweets.

Rin Kagamine: You know, she would probably smell and taste like oranges.

Rin Tohsaka: Smells like blood and gemstones, an overwhelming mixture of both. Tastes bitter and not in any way that could be considered enjoyable.

Rory Williams: Smells like space-time plus capes, tastes like really old damp caves. But generally sweet, if caves can have a sweet overtone.

Sara Mudou (Ring): Smells like water. Tastes like devotion. Also, she has a red ring she always wears that smells and tastes like blood (although she may wear it less and less lately).

Sealand: Smells like salt water. Tastes like salt and steel.

Sora Himoto: Apples, apples, and JUSTICE.

Squid Girl: Squid and squid.

Susan Sto Helit: Chalk dust, pencil shavings, markers, and death.

Tachikoma: Physical: Smells like synthetic oil, metal, and curiosity. Tastes like metal, plastic, and (if you find some exposed wires) shocking. Avatar: Smells like curiosity if you can smell it on the screen. Tastes like fiber optics and copper Cat 5 cables as well as electricity.

Taiwan: Plum blossoms for scent and tapioca pearls for taste.

Téa Gardner: Smells like friendship! Tastes like hope and dreams.

Tex: Smells like guns, death and blood. Tastes like metal, failure, guilt and sarcasm.

The Doctor: Smells like the dust of space that's at the beginning and end of the universe. Tastes like fish fingers and custard.

Tsukino Usagi: Moon dust and candy.

Tsunade: She smells like leaves and tastes like sake, and chicken breasts but not at the same time.

Ukraine: Smells like sunflowers, worry and wheat. Tastes like tears, hardship and love.

Viki: Mirrors, mystery flavor.

Wy: Smells like bushland and possums, tastes like art and Mango Trout Antarctica.

Yonah: Wheat, mixed vegetables and, strangely enough, a hint of something shadowy dark.

Yuki Nagato: A very bland, neutral taste. Smells like sterility.

Yuna Akashi: Tastes like milk, smells like gunsmoke.

Yuri Hyuga: Belligerence Smells and tastes like a whole mess of different things, but mostly blood dirt and steel.
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