So, I got up this morning at 4 AM for another one of those ugly 26 mile bike rides while MG runs a half marathon. It started raining just about the time the bike ride started (at 6 AM). So it was cold and dark and wet. I had a million good reasons to just turn the bike around and go back to the car, except that I had to find a port-a-potty first. Well, I found one at mile 4 and I figured it would take another 3 miles to get to a point where I could head towards the car. So I kept going. and going, and going. I did end up cutting some of the hills out after my gears and brakes decided they didn't like being wet and refused to behave. I just didn't think it was a good idea to ride down a steep hill not knowing if the brakes would work or not. So, I figured I did about 22+ miles out of the 26. I never want to ride in the rain again. It was COLD.
On Wednesday, MG and I decided I would take a week or two off before I really start looking for a job. So, on Friday, I put my time to good use and finally completed this quilt. I call it
"Kaleidoscope Sky"