
Apr 25, 2011 10:21

[San is ordinarily an early riser. Those who live with her in Cecil and Terra's ridiculously crowded home should be accustomed to her getting up and taking a walk, or trying to make herself busy in the house, before the rest of the family rises for real. Sometimes she even starts breakfast! (Not that she's very good at it.)

Usually these things don't happen in her pajamas, though. And she doesn't bump and stumble into quite so many walls or pieces of furniture on regular days. Family in the house will also hear her making...strange noises. Funny breathing, almost, the kind with lots of sniffing and gasping in it.

Others will meet her in the early hours of this morning, wandering through the village in her pajamas. She'll be a bit more in control of herself by then, but her feet are unwilling to be still while she's alone.]
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