So... here I am at work. We had no vacancies when I got here so, in general a very boring night. Sleepy and bored is not a good combination for me all things considered because it gets me to think. Thinking is usally a good thing but not in this case... maybe thinking is the wrong word. Mayhap I should use "brooding".
If anyone bothers to read this, you would probably notice I tend to do this a lot. Think too much. Ponder my existance. Brood over my life and the choices I make. Not necessarily healthy but at times it does get me motivated. So, here are some things I need to finish:
- Finish my resume and send it out.
- Work in the fixing the garage and getting it cleaned out.
- Complete current writing projects, especially the one for Her.
- See about getting my airline tickets to go visit Kevin, Christina, Linda and John in Canada. Still need to figure on a date for visit.
- Contact Jonni about GenCon in August. Contact Patty if flight arragements have been made.
- Shop for a nice digital camera. My birthday present to myself.
I know there is some other stuff. I maybe brooding but I am also sleepy and therefore not thinking straight... or completly.