Short Fiction Recs for June 2016

Jun 27, 2016 14:29

Here are a few pieces of short fiction I read recently that I want to rec.

The Sound of Salt and Sea by Kat Howard A pretty and slightly creepy story. I liked the main characters attention to detail.

Whale-Oil By Sylvia V. Linsteadt I enjoyed this ecological themed story set in my home region of the San Fransisco bay area.

Mortal Eyes by Ann Chatham I had to stop reading this story in the middle to tweet about how the author got coppicing right, because I was very impressed. It is also a very good story, with a pregnant protagonist and fairies.

Not a short story or even SFF but I want to rec
the_comfortable_courtesan, which is the (fictional) memoirs of a Victorian courtesan. It is just lovey. It updates everyday and I always look forward to finding out what the characters are up to. If you need some sex positive domestic cheerfulness if your life The Comfortable Courtesan is for you.

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