Short Fiction Rec for March 2016

Mar 29, 2016 11:30

Hugo nominations end this Thursday so a lot of people I know are trying to read a lot 2015 short fiction. If that your goal this post won't help you. I did most of my 2015 story cramming in January and this month I've actuality been reading short fiction at reasonable pace. I've been feeling relaxed about it so as well as reading some current stuff I've been reading some of the slightly older stuff that I was meaning to get around but always drop in favor of new things. So here are a few recs.

Seven Cups of Coffee by A.C. Wise (content note: queer tragedy.) This story made me sit up and say wow! So lovely and sad, with an interesting time travel twist.

Between Dragons and Their Wrath by An Owomoyela and Rachel Swirsky This is another hard to read story about children living in area devastated by war, but it is hauntingly beautiful.

And one the older stories I read: The Nalendar by Ann Leckie This a fantasy story with some really interesting gods, and a great main character. This one isn't depressing.

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