Now, I don't LJ much. I don't have the habit of it, and I don't really like it, because... I just don't. But once in a looooooong while, something so stupid, something SO infuriatingly DUMB pops up online that makes me just sit back and say:
That's it. Just that one word. And this prompts me to go and JL about it, because people in the world need to know of the stupidity in order to prepare themselves for the source of the stupidity, which in this case is one
RedWolf ESQ, a long term 'friend' known for destroying people's personal intellectual property by giving them massive giant bazongas.
But that is another story.
This is THIS story, and I invite you to read it, under this cut here. But a word of warning, it is a long rant about certain people's massive stupidity and is bound to hurt someone's feelings, probably that of
RedWolf ESQ HIMSELF. If you love Redwolf and his multiple organs, please feel free to... not read. If you ARE RedWolf, I invite you to come and post more logical love for me to make fun of.
This tradgedy started in Virginia Tech. Essentially, what we have here is THE WORST SCHOOL SHOOTING IN HISTORY, or something, which ended up with 32 Innocent People dead, 15 Injured, and one very angsty gunman suiciding in rage, according to
this NBC article. Now I have seen discreprencies amongst the number of people injured/dead, but at LEAST one thing is constant, which is that they are fairly sure the gunman killed himself. They are still investigating by splashing water into his face and yelling "You're not fooling anybody, son, and you're in big trouble!".
But either way this was a nasty bit of business right there, and people are calling it all sorts of things like a horror, a traversty, and some might say even a massacre.
Then there's THIS asshole. (Thanks, Penn.)
The news of the...
Is it a massacre? Heck, it's less than a decimation. 31 students killed, 29 injured at last report, at Virginia Tech. The gunman is dead, possibly suicide by cop. More details are coming in slowly, and I'd wait until it's flushed out tomorrow.
I'm sorry for taking an impersonal view of this tragedy, as I heard this at work and needed to keep some sort of composure.
But massacre? This doesn't feel like one. I mean, Columbine was a massacre -- the entire high school was being shot up by two kids that were continuously harassed by some stupid jocks. This... was just one guy who took out a classroom and two students in a dorm, in a college. I mean, there's been sniper shootings on campuses that rank worse than this. But for the amount of carnage over an area... this is just too well contained.
And I'm probably dancing on the razor-thin edge right now.
I think I'm going to wait until the details settle down. The media overhype is getting to me, and adding to my off-negative mood (Monday + transit was a mess going up + train-and-two-buses-joke-complaint + hurry up and wait for replies + rain AND wind + transit was a mess going down).
mas·sa·cre /ˈmæsəkər/ [mas-uh-ker] noun, verb, -cred, -cring.
1. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
2. a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war.
3. Informal. a crushing defeat, esp. in sports.
-verb (used with object)
4. to kill unnecessarily and indiscriminately, esp. a large number of persons.
5. Informal. to defeat decisively, esp. in sports.
Dear Mr. Kelly,
To 'massacre' people is to kill them. A LOT of them. The more the better. I do not see how in the world.. at all, how CONTROLLED the environment is has ANYTHING to do with if it is defined as a massacre or not. In this case, 9/11 WASN'T a massacre because it was controlled. Neither were any of the world/civil wars, and neither was the Singapore VS Malaysia football game for the Tiger Cup last year, if you're taking definition 3 or 5. They were all very unfortunate.. oh.... SHITSTORMS.
And why.. why exactly must you take a composed stature after learning about such a tradgedy? You know, last time I checked, we were ALLOWED to feel a bit.. disturbed by these kinds of things.
And Jesus. Columbine is NOT.. it.. is.. ok, this guy says it better than I do.
] If you're going by body-count, Harris and Klebold only killed thirteen and wounded twenty-four.
And then we get this nice response.
Body count is what the media is using, which I can't blame them. This is the most (killed 32, injured 15 although some say 29 injured). The next would be in 1966, where a sniper at U-of-Texas@Austin's clock tower killed 16 and injured 31; followed by Columbine which begat a misguided attempt at solving the problem by geek persecution, returned by Jon Katz and Slashdot's Hellmouth series.
I'm factoring in area. Columbine was spread out thought the school, and officals there had to shorten the school year plus hold it in other schools. I betcha when investigators went in, they said "This was a bloodbath... no, this was a massacre," as they stepped through the school.
I don't see that here. This was relatively contained in a classroom and a dorm room. It's too neat and tidy; just close those rooms while they're sanitized and repaired. If Virgina Tech is sensitive to students, they'll keep it closed until after finals.
Hello. I do not recall that there was math involved in the defining thereof of a massacre. From what YOU are saying, you have a nice little formula. Like Numberdead/areaXyourpersonaljudgementsystem = term. No. Sorry, it's not up to your personal preference, although you have already proven to us that you are stupid beyond belief. I'm not even going to call you insensitive, or impersonal.. you're just stupid.
Why do you assume that the police said that when they got in? It just sounds like you're doing what we call Projection, when you create in your mind unacceptable little scenarios that other people are doing just to rationalize the fact that it's.. well.. um.. bullshit. USUALLY when you step into a frigging room full of dead people you DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. You probably saw that on CSI or Law and Order didn't you? Huh? Don't lie, we know. You hate the media so much but yet let all of your influences and preconceptions about the world come from TV. Brilliant. ^_^
And please, they were ALL massacres, dumbass. I can not really believe that you are relating it to how much work the Janitor gets at the end when it's all done.
God damn. I swear, Hitler was the cleanest Massac... I mean, CAUSE OF TRADEGY ever. You know, those lovely rooms, those neat chambers. Jeez, it was all in the pre-planning man.
You're brilliant. You really are.
Wipe yourself up. You're bleeding.