Auction UPDATE

Oct 31, 2010 19:47

Hi everyone and Blessed Samhain/ Happy Halloween!

I'm writing to you from my couch, but I'm wearing my TOS Star Trek Science officer mini dress and watching Ghost Hunters Live!.

I wanted to post an update.

73 78 auctions are paid!

17 12 auctions remain unpaid (but it IS a holiday in the USA, so I forgive you!)

That means NINETY auctions have ended.

Only 18 remain as of right now.

All together, we have raised $4,800 on the auctions, in addition to the $1000 in donations.


Emily STILL needs another $2200 to pay for the surgeries, and, after much prying, I found out from her today that after care, medications, and missed work is going to cost her another $5600. She can absorb some of that, but it would sure be helpful if we can at least raise the rest of the surgeries!

SO, to that end, let's try for another round of auctions to end around the 15th or so. Please don't hesitate or think that the auctions are over!
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