Hi everybody!
By happy chance, I got my author's copies of A Wizard of Mars yesterday. (Well, it was happy for me, anyway. They were six months late. The temptation to assume they went partway to Mars before DHL caught on to the misrouting is considerable.) You can see one of them to the right... (under the cut)
(Ignore the cake. That won't last more than a day or two. The recipe is
here if you want it.)
Due to the disruption of the book's April launch party in New York by certain volcanoes which shall remain nameless (especially because remembering how to spell their name is such a bloody nuisance. I think we should just rename the thing "Snooki" and be done with it), there are no autographed copies of this book in circulation.
I'm offering five of these books for auction. They'll be autographed and will be personalized to the buyer (or whoever else the buyer wants). The one that goes for the highest bid will be numbered as #1, and so on down the line. (This message will therefore be posted five times so that we can keep the auctions separate. To bid on this copy, comment below.)
Cover price for these is $USD $18, so I think the bidding should start at USD $25. Let's have the auctioning for these end at 0001 UTC on October 30th. Per
doctoraicha, please note that this auction won't end until noon (US) Eastern time on Oct. 30.
I will cover shipping costs from Ireland (probably about USD $15 per copy if I'm guessing right). They'll go out to successful bidders in the first week in November via registered mail.
Good luck to all! (And, Emily, I'm thinking of you. You should have seen me a couple of months ago when we thought I had a detached retina (something to which I'm extremely liable) and needed emergency laser surgery. To say I feel your pain is putting it mildly.)